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  1. #1
    Founder & Hero Jastron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Take care, everyone!

    Hello all! Many of you might not remember me as I've not been playing much since last summer. I am Justin / Karoneth / Koto / Bry / Kendu. Our Guild's founders have been playing since alpha/closed beta in summer 2005, so we have seen a lot of the game, and I have gotten burnt out on it finally after playing since 2005. It was a good run and I harbor no resentment towards the game. It was time and money well spent, it's just not for me anymore and so many little things over so many years have finally gotten to me, you know, the straw, dinner mint, etc. I do not plan to ever entirely leave DDO, with hours spent here in the 5 digits and money spent on this game in the four digits, and all of the friends made, I'll be sure to stop in from time to time, but the thrill is gone. My guild, the Brotherhood of Redemption continues on and I have handed control of the guild and website for it to Propane, please contact him for any concerns or join requests as it is in his hands now. I am moving on to establish a branch in the upcoming MMO Elder Scrolls Online myself, I needed a change of game. I wish you all the best, especially those who have endured this game as long as I have, players and Guilds like the Roving Guns that have been here since launch. I dislike goodbye posts, and again, I am not planning on leaving forever, but I also don't expect to be around much, and wanted to update folks on my status and who to contact in my Guild, as I have been the Guildmaster for ages. I will still be able to be reached via PM to Karoneth on any of my guild sites, our directory is at, and you will still find my guild in game. Take care all, I wish you the best, and it was great meeting so many of you over the years!
    On Sarlona: Justin, Bry, Karoneth, Koto, Combatant, Kendu, Narnak, Mythanthor, Jastron, Brendin.
    Guildmaster, The Brotherhood of Redemption

  2. #2


    Sorry, I rolled a 1 against Wall of Text.

    But based on title, bye.

  3. #3
    Community Member djl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


  4. #4
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Jastron View Post
    Hello all! Many of you might not remember me as I've not been playing much since last summer. I am Justin / Karoneth / Koto / Bry / Kendu.

    Our Guild's founders have been playing since alpha/closed beta in summer 2005, so we have seen a lot of the game, and I have gotten burnt out on it finally after playing since 2005. It was a good run and I harbor no resentment towards the game. It was time and money well spent, it's just not for me anymore and so many little things over so many years have finally gotten to me, you know, the straw, dinner mint, etc.

    I do not plan to ever entirely leave DDO, with hours spent here in the 5 digits and money spent on this game in the four digits, and all of the friends made, I'll be sure to stop in from time to time, but the thrill is gone.

    My guild, the Brotherhood of Redemption continues on and I have handed control of the guild and website for it to Propane, please contact him for any concerns or join requests as it is in his hands now. I am moving on to establish a branch in the upcoming MMO Elder Scrolls Online myself, I needed a change of game. I wish you all the best, especially those who have endured this game as long as I have, players and Guilds like the Roving Guns that have been here since launch.

    I dislike goodbye posts, and again, I am not planning on leaving forever, but I also don't expect to be around much, and wanted to update folks on my status and who to contact in my Guild, as I have been the Guildmaster for ages. I will still be able to be reached via PM to Karoneth on any of my guild sites, our directory is at, and you will still find my guild in game.

    Take care all, I wish you the best, and it was great meeting so many of you over the years!
    I rolled a 20 vs your wall of text.

    I hope you enjoy ESO and goodluck with the future.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Thanks. I tried to reformat it three times, but the system kept pushing it into one paragraph no matter how many returns I had in there. New forums for ya, never had that issue before, so sorry about the wall of text, it was certainly not intentional.

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013



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