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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Cool Confirm Critical ~ Confirm Critical Damage

    Was wondering to the effectiveness of Confirm Crit and Confirm Crit Dmg...

    Been looking at the enhancements and it seems you can squeeze in +9 CC/ +9 CCD with the trade off of losing Doublestrike percentages that could be accessed staying pure or dual classed.

    +9 Enchancements
    +10 Seeker
    +5 exceptional
    + other sources im probably not even aware of...
    24+ to Confirm Crit and Crit Dmg...

    "If you hit your target while getting a (non-modified) d20 roll within your weapon's threat range, this results in a critical threat (even if your modified attack roll wouldn't beat the opponent's AC).

    A critical threat means you have a chance to score a critical hit. To do so, a confirmation roll is made, with the same to-hit bonus being applied (plus extra confirmation bonuses such as Seeker, Kensei enhancements, Fighter Critical Accuracy, etc.); in this roll, 1's do not automatically fail to hit. This roll must beat the target's AC in order to "confirm" the critical hit.

    In DDO, a confirmation roll can still succeed on a roll of 1; it does not auto-miss on such a roll.

    If that roll also results in a hit against the target's AC, the critical hit is confirmed, and the base damage is rolled once for every critical hit multiplier. If the confirmation roll is a miss, then the attack is not a critical hit and is rolled as a normal attack (IE, auto-success on natural 20 or test vs. AC for non-20)....."

    Which leads me to ask how often do actual critical threats get missed??? o.0 I havent really paid much attention to the gui dice roll or the dmg text window to try and track all this.

    If anyone has already checked into this ingame any info you could share would be helpful =D

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Found what I needed, Please Delete post

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