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  1. #1
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    Default Cleric vs Favoured Soul vs Druid - which is the best offensive caster?

    I have a 17 Cleric/1 Wizard which I use exclusively to duo with my wife's melee character, which I am looking to LR and trying to decide which way to go about it:

    I have various pieces of late heroic/early epic gear saved up to make it a EN/EH capable DC caster, the question is do I stay Cleric, or would FvS or Druid be a better option?

    I tend to lay down AoEs and Dots and then either wade into melee/single target nuke/instakill, with HoTs running (aura currently) and spot heal as necessary.

    Before the enhancement revamp, when I heard about the +20LR i was favouring a FvS, but since looking at the trees, I'm really not sure.

    I'd appreciate input.

  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloista-motu View Post
    I have various pieces of late heroic/early epic gear saved up to make it a EN/EH capable DC caster, the question is do I stay Cleric, or would FvS or Druid be a better option?
    "Offensive caster" isn't a very specific term. If you were including nuking, it'd be a tougher call, but if you're talking mainly DC-oriented, I'd say Cleric wins hands-down.

    Druids get tons of nuking spells, but fewer CC/instakill options at all. (Though, admittedly, one of their CC options is pretty darn good. [Though, to be fair, that's supposed to be a Cleric{/FvS} spell, too.])

    FvS get more SP plus their archon, and work off the same spell list as Clerics...but are so crippled by lack of spell slots that they can't really use a lot of it. If all you ever use is Destruction and Implosion, FvS is awesome, but if you like to, when appropriate, use other stuff, like Undeath to Death, or Banishment, or whatever, Cleric is a better choice, in my opinion, just due to the flexibility. Oh, and, currently, Cleric has better enhancement options for DC casting.

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