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  1. #1
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    Default Apparently you can't deep splash an arcane.

    Last edited by Tilomere; 08-25-2017 at 05:02 PM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Apparently you can't deep splash an arcane.

    Chain missiles no longer gives 10 missiles regardless of caster lvl. Wiki is wrong. I don't know when this changed, but its not working for me now on a test new 7 wizard.

    No chain missiles means no shiradi, no shiradi means you have to have powerful spells, which a deep splash won't have.

    No, really.

    I just can't conceive how anybody wouldn't expect THE BEST caster build in the game to be one that spams magic missile and chain missile ad nauseum to the exclusion of ALL OTHER SPELLS, and therefore also leaves you a ton of room to take other classes to add more strengths and remove any perceived weaknesses. How anyone could perceive of this as broken, unintended, or exploitative is thoroughly beyond me. Please, join me as a I cry in the corner to mourn the wrongful demise of the shiradi caster, long live its legacy.

    But maybe....

  3. #3
    Community Member Toro12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Apparently you can't deep splash an arcane.

    Chain missiles no longer gives 10 missiles regardless of caster lvl. Wiki is wrong. I don't know when this changed, but its not working for me now on a test new 7 wizard.

    No chain missiles means no shiradi, no shiradi means you have to have powerful spells, which a deep splash won't have.
    What you mean to say is that chain missile was not working as intended before, they fixed it to actually match the spells official description and you want the broken version back?

    Chain missiles still is there and still works for shardi , you just can't do it as effective with a small splash.

  4. #4
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    There's so much potential under the new system for doing really weird things that I find it hard to pin down what is or isn't possible.

    Example: 8 levels in Sorcerer would be enough to get you an 11D6 base Lightning Bolt SLA, which can of course rebound to bring it up to 22D6. It would mean taking the fifth tier of Air Savant even though you probably had more levels in another class, and your DC would restrict its usefulness to targets with a weak reflex save, but you could do it...and you could even pick up Wind Dance into the bargain. You'd have access to a regular 4th level spell and a bunch of lower level ones, although you might have to live with some arcane spell failure: but even on an adamantine body warforged, you can get that down to 10% or so. You could pack some repairs, if you're willing to live with the risk of them failing. You could certainly give yourself Displacement (no somatic component) and you'd have a choice of effects like Dimension Door or Enervation. Your no-save allowed Shocking Grasp SLA might not be worthless, either.

    That would leave you with 12 levels and under half your action points for another class. Fighter Kensei? You could do it. You could reach Power Surge and take Tier Four enhancements.

    Would it be at all effective? I don't know! It's a lot to consider. But the tools certainly seem to be in place to at least tempt players into considering weird, unconventional splashes, like moderately deep arcane. Hey, 6 levels of wizard is enough to let you play as a vampire if you like, and you can happily spend AP in there on stuff like hit points and PRR in form. 6 Wizard / 14 Paladin vampire knight?

  5. #5
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Apparently you can't deep splash an arcane.

    Chain missiles no longer gives 10 missiles regardless of caster lvl. Wiki is wrong. I don't know when this changed, but its not working for me now on a test new 7 wizard.

    No chain missiles means no shiradi, no shiradi means you have to have powerful spells, which a deep splash won't have.

    Edit: I only meant to say that to me it logically appears that you can't deep splash an arcane to good effect. A PSA for those who were considering something other than 18/2 or pure 20.

    I'll be the first to admit a deep splash would allow arcane versions of the juggernaut. Self contained healing, spell dps, trapping, ccing characters with no weakness. But they wouldn't have any exceptional strengths either.
    magic missile, 5 missiles at lvl 9
    chain missile, 1 missile for every 2 lvl past 1 (max 10 at 19)
    force missile, 1 missile every 4 lvls
    spells w/o save that proc : ice storm(lvl 4) acid fog(lvl6)

    since ice storm has double chances of proccing(ice component and bludgeoning component), i don't see a reason for your complains, with 9 wiz or 9 sorc lvls u have: 5 magic missiles, 5 chain missiles, 3 force missiles and ice storm (also access to lvl 5 spells as a wiz)

    of 5/10/5 you have 5/5/3, more than half, what more do u want? laser beams guaranteed with 35453% chance to proc shiradi at lvl 1 spell with 0 sp cost? come on, if u're deep splashing u CAN go shiradi, however it's suboptimal, is that strange? really? stop complaining w/o reason, it only makes game more boring, also the only thing u can get from turbine is:

    "oh, so not everybody with 1 caster lvl can kick ass with shiradi? let's nerf shiradi"

    so my toon, immune to magic will lose his offensive potential, but hey, i laugh a lot tanking ee bosses with my 30 ac (funny thing being immune to magic) sadly maybe won't be able to keep the aggro with shiradi
    Last edited by psykopeta; 09-05-2013 at 02:11 AM.
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  6. #6
    Community Member -Zephyr-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psykopeta View Post
    magic missile, 5 missiles at lvl 9
    chain missile, 1 missile for every 2 lvl past 1 (max 10 at 19)
    force missile, 1 missile every 4 lvls
    spells w/o save that proc : ice storm(lvl 4) acid fog(lvl6)

    since ice storm has double chances of proccing(ice component and bludgeoning component), i don't see a reason for your complains, with 9 wiz or 9 sorc lvls u have: 5 magic missiles, 5 chain missiles, 3 force missiles and ice storm (also access to lvl 5 spells as a wiz)

    of 5/10/5 you have 5/5/3, more than half, what more do u want? laser beams guaranteed with 35453% chance to proc shiradi at lvl 1 spell with 0 sp cost? come on, if u're deep splashing u CAN go shiradi, however it's suboptimal, is that strange? really? stop complaining w/o reason, it only makes game more boring, also the only thing u can get from turbine is:

    "oh, so not everybody with 1 caster lvl can kick ass with shiradi? let's nerf shiradi"

    so my toon, immune to magic will lose his offensive potential, but hey, i laugh a lot tanking ee bosses with my 30 ac (funny thing being immune to magic) sadly maybe won't be able to keep the aggro with shiradi

    Ice storm doesn't work that way.

  7. 09-07-2013, 04:22 AM

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