He hypnotizes you and convinces you to be tougher. That and now whenever someone claps twice you cluck like a chicken.
He hypnotizes you and convinces you to be tougher. That and now whenever someone claps twice you cluck like a chicken.
Khyber- Minovus, Maxivus, Krustivus, Minivus, Maxevus, Maxovus
The trainer voluntells you to lay down in the scorching hot training ground then covers you in grease and tramples you into the ground until the trainer gets tired. The trainer then has you get up and binds you hand and foot. Then brings your in-laws to give you words of wisdom until you pass out. The trainer repeats this process until you no longer are effected by either treatment.
The Trainer teaches the toughness feat by causing internet connections to be faulty during a holiday weekend.. (and you want to Play DDO)
You have to be patient and wait for Turbine to do what is needed to correct the problem.
You are then granted the toughness feat.
Its mind over matter It doesn't matter, If I don't mind -- Always use LOADED dice.
Kobold not allowed to talk about what happened 'the last time'.
The only way - he sends you to US Marine Boot Camp.
or atleast announce who the winner was cause i didnt see one in the forum or did i just miss it?
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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