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Halflings are on of the most AP starved races for a rogue, some will always be personal preference, but going into making a halfling assassin, APs will always be tight
With so many sources of deception now for an assassin, Shadow Dagger is not very useful for me, I almost always have some sort of deception effect going on, whether from the Shadow Dancer ED, Ring of Deceit, or some other source, there are other benefits that are more useful and more game changing, and in a build that needs every action point it can get, that is the reason why I recommend not taking Shadow Dagger.
If you don't have to choose between Venomed Blades and Damage Boost, take them both, on my build, I couldn't get both in, so if you have to choose between one, definitely choose Damage Boost over Venomed Blades.
Knife Specialization lets you work with DEX more as a damage stat for daggers, and while I don't usually use daggers, one of,, if not the highest DPS weapon a rogue can use atm is Agony, Knife in the Dark, which happens to be a dagger. With the combination of the planar focus sets (I used the Subterfuge set, Hassan has viable reasons for choosing the Prowess set though,, and the difference is more of what our builds focus on) they really are one of the best weapons a rogue can use. Currently I am using Agony/EMG as my main set, for non assassinatable monsters though, I would recommend 2x Agony however. Knife Specialization improves your DPS if you are a DEX dmg stat rogue, and lets you ignore a STR based damage output. Without it you would have to invest in STR for you damage unless you stuck to specific DEX based damage weapons, and while 3 stats to focus on is hard, 4 is almost impossible.
Execute is ok, however to me it is just another clicke in a sea full of them, and by the time I get a mob down to 35% health, it wont take long to finish him off. It also goes back to being stretched for APs, while it would be nice to have, it is not a necessity, and there are other more useful enhancements to put APs towards.
Wand and Scroll Mastery for self healing. Currently with a GS healing amp item, and the 10% HA from the ship buff, I can heal myself for 362 HP. That's a lot for one scroll, especially when you have 100% chance to cast the scroll, and your class generally maxes HP at around 800. Wand and Scroll Mastery goes a long way o improving a rogues self sustainability with is almost as vital in EE content as their assassinate DC is.