Since the offhand weapon doesn't directly contribute to dmg anyway, you can either leave your offhand empty or equip an orb and get SWF to apply. At least, I think that's how it works; haven't tested it in-game.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
As a newer player who will be playing Druid soon (and likely going against the grain and testing out Bear form), I am interested in knowing:
- Is the TWF Feat benefit still processed while fighting in beast forms?
Fighting style is a huge decision for me on this one, but I intend to be a high-STR melee type, tankish. I've read through this thread and others on Druid - now a bit more familiar with complaints toward the beast forms not having the melee power in contrast to other options, bear animation, etc.
My initial suggestion: Druid enhancement trees need a complete overhaul. Separate Enhancement trees for separate paths of focus, perhaps one per form that you want to achieve. Bear form should have it's own separate tree, not a consolidated melee/beast form tree. Elementals, wolves -- same, should have their own trees. Speaking of trees - an Ent/Tree form would be absolutely fabulous as an additional Form to take, would really spark Druid as well. Preserving one single enhancement tree if you try to be a Druid caster - ok, should sustain that just in case someone dabbles into it, but there is clear need to have Druid overhauled.
Last, I would also like to see more specific and official response and detailed information from the dev's on this. Players having to go to Lammania to test things that should be fine print on Enhancement or Feats is just wrong. It looks like when Druid was added as a class, the many implications of Beast forms were not properly staffed and annotation made in all the right spots. Much like the fine print for some enhancements or Feats that tell you "this doesn't stack with Half-Elf ___" -- we should know exactly what does and doesn't stack, what doesn't work in Beast form, etc. Dev's - less discovery learning for Druids, please!
Kyll - Guild leader of Your Part Time Guild on Wayfinder server.
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Yes: see this thread.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.