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  1. #21
    Community Member Theolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Do Henshin and Acrobat crit both stack?

    If so, Pal 4/ Monk 6 / Rogue 10 seems like it'd be better.
    The damage bonuses do - you can only have 1 tier 5 thou
    The reed in the wind does not, same timer

  2. #22
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogann View Post
    13 rogue, 6 monk, 1 fighter is a better build.
    I prefer druid splash: Ram's Might, Shillelagh, open up Heal skill, access to Emp Heal feat for Rejuv Cocoon.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #23
    Community Member Nightmanis's Avatar
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    I prefer a half orc 1 fighter 2-3 barb build so I can have 14 Haste boosts

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I prefer druid splash: Ram's Might, Shillelagh, open up Heal skill, access to Emp Heal feat for Rejuv Cocoon.
    This, this, this, and this. I'm currently doing a 13rogue/6monk/1druid.

    Quickened Recons are awesome but I'll take a Cocoon with an extra 100 spell power behind it.
    Shillelagh and Ram's Might add 7.5 to 10 damage per hit depending on what staff you use end game.
    Qstaff specilizations through tier 4 in both Henshin/Acrobat is another +1/+2 attack/damage.
    Spend 3ap in each of Assassin/NinjaSpy for another 2d6 sneak
    Beguile if chosen is still a very nice ability for EE and costs a whopping 4ap

    FOTW isn't a perfect fit for staff builds but it's not bad either. Higher attack speeds mean recharged adrenalines and recharged adrenalines on AOE's means WGAF about your tact dc's. Adrenaline'd Lay Waste (twisted), Momentum Swing (twisted), Cleave, Great Cleave, Fist of Iron, Sly Flourish. Single targets are similar - Quick Strike, Adrenaline'd Fist of Iron, Flourish, Ki, Ki, repeat as needed. Remember that some staves (such as Stout Oak Walking Stick) have a base x3 crit mod. That means x4 on a monk or rogue staffer, x5 on Fist of Iron, x7 on a 19-20, and then multiply the finished total by 5 on adrenaline. Unbridled Fury is kinda nice when you can use Fist of Iron every 3 seconds to coincide with the auto adrenalines. And out of that 30 seconds can keep up 38% doublestrike for 20 seconds.

    In the end I think Paladin is really good for saves in EE but not so sure it's the best damage. Also I'm too lazy to quote posts but Juggernaut builds have absolutely nothing on either of these damage wise and barbarians shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath until their personal healers cease taking up an additional party slot. Kensei fighters are being grossly overrated at the moment as well.

  5. #25
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    What would the progression be on this build, from level to level? I've wanted to try something similar as a human. No past lives to pick from, so it's not as optimized as this would be.

  6. #26
    Community Member GlassJaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I prefer druid splash: Ram's Might, Shillelagh, open up Heal skill, access to Emp Heal feat for Rejuv Cocoon.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't Ram's Might and Shillelagh both have a duration of 1 min? Do you constantly recast it? Seems like that would get annoying. I'm not experienced with this build by any means but I can't imagine you'd have too many spell points.

    Note that this is from the perspective of a solo, non-EE player who doesn't mind running with a cleric hireling on occasion.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I prefer druid splash: Ram's Might, Shillelagh, open up Heal skill, access to Emp Heal feat for Rejuv Cocoon.
    yes, druid splash is better on lower levels but later after u have sireth weapon is better having paladin splash because shillealagh do not stack with sireth, you can get empower heal feat and heal skill from paladin4 too. And cha to str is better then rams might.

  8. #28
    The Werewolf Skavenaps's Avatar
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    Did you even tried that build? I doubt so.

    Why you wanna reconstruct if you will have near no sp?

    20sp from pal 4, 200 from archimagi item and then what? a GS you need to fit ? lets says you end with 400 sp and you dont use any for buffing or anyother thing.

    Bladeforged SLA reconstruc cost 35 SP (could be 25/45, dont remember now) so 400/35 = 11 reconstructs then you are out of sp.

    Yeah you can then swap to scrolling.. but thats not near the same that quickened reconstruct.

  9. #29
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khain View Post
    yes, druid splash is better on lower levels but later after u have sireth weapon is better having paladin splash because shillealagh do not stack with sireth, you can get empower heal feat and heal skill from paladin4 too. And cha to str is better then rams might.
    Well, for your build, druid splash isn't an option, since you're BF and have to start pally. I was responding specifically to the rog 13 / monk 6 combo; a single lvl of pally adds nothing there, although you could splash cleric or FvS instead for Divine Might while still getting Emp Heal. You're right that Shillelagh does nothing for Sireth, but some of us are less fixated on optimal gear layouts than others.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  10. #30
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    12 Monk/7 Rogue/1 Druid works well. Wings + free stance feat > Opportunist for Shadowfell content.

    If you must have Paladin levels (due to being Bladeforged), then 9 Monk/6 Paladin/5 Rogue nets you everything you need.

    There's no compelling reason to build a toon capable of disarming Shadowfell spellwards. Like every other trap in the game, they can be avoided or mitigated through other actions.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  11. #31
    Community Member Fennario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassJaw View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't Ram's Might and Shillelagh both have a duration of 1 min? Do you constantly recast it? Seems like that would get annoying.
    They are both 5 minutes with 1 level of druid. That's the same duration as a shield clicky, which a lot of people manage to keep refreshed. As far as whether that's annoying or not, I guess that's up to the individual.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I prefer druid splash: Ram's Might, Shillelagh, open up Heal skill, access to Emp Heal feat for Rejuv Cocoon.
    Druid splash is good on lower levels, later is better having paladin levels, because:
    level 1 druid, 6 monk:
    -shillelang: doesnt stack with sireth quarterstaf, so it is useless spell later
    -paladin open heal skill too and have acces to emp. heal
    -rejuv. cocoon: no need, because u are bladeforged with reconstruct spell
    -rams might: this is only one good adition from druid
    -acess to 25% incorporeability from ninja
    - 3d6 sneak attack from ninja tree
    - beguile: nice debuf, not working on red named
    4 paladin, 3 monk:
    - divine might: very nice dps and tactics boost;
    - acess to emp. heal, heal skill
    - divine sacrifice: nice clicky with only 2s cooldown
    - courage of heaven: 1d6 vs evil-nice dps boost

    Defense:divine might is +7 to tactics DC, without this u would have problems lands your stuning blow or trips, i think that workable tactics is better then another 15% incoroperability from 6monk.
    offense: 10 dmg from divine might, 3.5 dmg from courage of heaven - its direct damage
    offense: 3d6 sneak attack - 10.5 dmg - working only if not agro

  13. #33
    Community Member Fennario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khain View Post
    Druid splash is good on lower levels, later is better having paladin levels, because:
    level 1 druid, 6 monk:
    -shillelang: doesnt stack with sireth quarterstaf, so it is useless spell later
    -paladin open heal skill too and have acces to emp. heal
    -rejuv. cocoon: no need, because u are bladeforged with reconstruct spell
    -rams might: this is only one good adition from druid
    -acess to 25% incorporeability from ninja
    - 3d6 sneak attack from ninja tree
    - beguile: nice debuf, not working on red named
    4 paladin, 3 monk:
    - divine might: very nice dps and tactics boost;
    - acess to emp. heal, heal skill
    - divine sacrifice: nice clicky with only 2s cooldown
    - courage of heaven: 1d6 vs evil-nice dps boost

    Defense:divine might is +7 to tactics DC, without this u would have problems lands your stuning blow or trips, i think that workable tactics is better then another 15% incoroperability from 6monk.
    offense: 10 dmg from divine might, 3.5 dmg from courage of heaven - its direct damage
    offense: 3d6 sneak attack - 10.5 dmg - working only if not agro

    All very true, but you forget to mention that 3 monk also denies you access to tier 5 Henshin enhancements. So your list is incomplete of all the options you would give up.

    Now I know that every build is different and not all would go the same route that I did.

    I have a standard 13/6/1 rogue/monk/druid like a lot of people. Instead of maxing the Acrobat tree like most, I maxed the Henshin tree. This means that I trade the ability to jump far every 15 seconds (Vault), for Void Strike and Balance in Dawn. I still retain Staff Specialization, as it is a tier 5 ability in either tree. I just feel that the awesomeness of Void Strike outweighs Vault. Balance in Dawn is pretty cool too. Vault is fun though, so other people's opinions may vary.

    Void Strike: Void Ki Melee Attack: You have learned to make attacks backed by pure Ki energy. On Hit: 10d6 Force damage. On Vorpal: Your enemy is erased from existence. (Activation Cost: 15 Ki. Cooldown: 3 seconds)

    Balance in Dawn: Select a melee attack that opposes your philosophy:

    Every Light Casts a Shadow: Dark Ki Melee Attack: Perform an attack with +2[W] damage. On Damage: Target suffers 1d4 Negative Levels. If the target dies within 10 seconds, all nearby enemies suffer 1d2 Negative Levels. (Cost: 15 Ki. Cooldown: 12 seconds) Requires Path of Harmonious Balance

    Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light: Light Ki Melee Attack: Perform an attack with +2[W] damage. On Damage: Target suffers 1d6 Light damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. This can stack up to 10 times. If the target dies within 10 seconds, all allies around the target receive 100 Positive Energy healing. (This healing effect is unaffected by Spell Power.) (Cost: 15 Ki. Cooldown: 6 seconds) Requires Path of Inevitable Dominion

  14. #34
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khain View Post
    -paladin open heal skill too and have acces to emp. heal
    Pally only opens Emp Heal if you take at least 4 lvls, since they can't cast spells before then.
    -rejuv. cocoon: no need, because u are bladeforged with reconstruct spell
    Not the build I was replying to.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fennario View Post
    Instead of maxing the Acrobat tree like most, I maxed the Henshin tree. This means that I trade the ability to jump far every 15 seconds (Vault), for Void Strike and Balance in Dawn.
    So you think Void Strike is worth it, then? Did you go light or dark on your monk?
    Last edited by unbongwah; 09-13-2013 at 06:56 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skavenaps View Post
    Did you even tried that build? I doubt so.

    Why you wanna reconstruct if you will have near no sp?

    20sp from pal 4, 200 from archimagi item and then what? a GS you need to fit ? lets says you end with 400 sp and you dont use any for buffing or anyother thing.

    Bladeforged SLA reconstruc cost 35 SP (could be 25/45, dont remember now) so 400/35 = 11 reconstructs then you are out of sp.

    Yeah you can then swap to scrolling.. but thats not near the same that quickened reconstruct.
    Spell points: 111 base from paladin with 24-25 wis; yelow augment - 250sp, green steel or guild augment:80sp, overall 441sp.
    reconstruct 25sp, 441/25=17 recons + scroling if out of combat. U can have some items ( recover spell points + potions if u go pure solo EE.

    revuation cocon is good too, take human as class, take magical training as human bonus feat, trade quicken for emp. heal. It is about three times more cocons as reconstruct. But u lost some dps as human.

    Revuation cocon cost one twist, as bladeforged u can twist e.g. grim precision -> more dps.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fennario View Post
    All very true, but you forget to mention that 3 monk also denies you access to tier 5 Henshin enhancements. So your list is incomplete of all the options you would give up.

    Now I know that every build is different and not all would go the same route that I did.

    I have a standard 13/6/1 rogue/monk/druid like a lot of people. Instead of maxing the Acrobat tree like most, I maxed the Henshin tree. This means that I trade the ability to jump far every 15 seconds (Vault), for Void Strike and Balance in Dawn. I still retain Staff Specialization, as it is a tier 5 ability in either tree. I just feel that the awesomeness of Void Strike outweighs Vault. Balance in Dawn is pretty cool too. Vault is fun though, so other people's opinions may vary.

    Void Strike: Void Ki Melee Attack: You have learned to make attacks backed by pure Ki energy. On Hit: 10d6 Force damage. On Vorpal: Your enemy is erased from existence. (Activation Cost: 15 Ki. Cooldown: 3 seconds)

    Balance in Dawn: Select a melee attack that opposes your philosophy:

    Every Light Casts a Shadow: Dark Ki Melee Attack: Perform an attack with +2[W] damage. On Damage: Target suffers 1d4 Negative Levels. If the target dies within 10 seconds, all nearby enemies suffer 1d2 Negative Levels. (Cost: 15 Ki. Cooldown: 12 seconds) Requires Path of Harmonious Balance

    Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light: Light Ki Melee Attack: Perform an attack with +2[W] damage. On Damage: Target suffers 1d6 Light damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. This can stack up to 10 times. If the target dies within 10 seconds, all allies around the target receive 100 Positive Energy healing. (This healing effect is unaffected by Spell Power.) (Cost: 15 Ki. Cooldown: 6 seconds) Requires Path of Inevitable Dominion

    6 monk can make good dps because Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light, but i am not trying this skill yet. 1d4 negative levels every 3 seconds would be very good portion of dps if u can handle ki. Also it is -2 to -8 to saves VS stuning blow,trip. Here is option to go 13 rogue 6monk 1fvs, trade divine sacrifices for Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light as light monk, but u must turn off lighting the candle enhacement because u need more +ki on hit. Also cleric is better option if i count best staff in game now, so:

    human 13rogue 6 monk 1 cleric:

    - from 12 level points:+2d6 sneak attack, 1d6 wenom blades (spending in human tree only 11points and 11 in cleric tree vs 21 points in bladeforged tree and 13 in paladin tree)
    - Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light ( u dont have enough ki to use void strike, u canot use lighting the candle because -1 ki on hit)
    - divine might (only cost 7 level points)
    - more SP (about 100-150) but activating divine might cost 15sp.
    - must twist cocon( no grim precision twist)
    -+6 str from human tree
    +4.5dmg from human str+1.7 glancing blow + 7 sneak attack + 3.5 wenom blades= +9.7 dmg per hit + 7 sneak attack
    + 1d4 negative levels - 20dmg per sec(vs cr 25) (15ki pre 3sec)

    BF 13rogue4Pal 3 monk:

    - divine sacrifices
    - divine might
    - lighting the candle + courage of heaven
    - grim precision
    - +6 dmg improved power attack
    + 3 dmg from weapon attachment
    +9 dmg +3.4 glancing blow+7.9(4.5*1.75 -glancing proc) fire+ 6.6 force(3d10 force on crit) + 6.1(3.5*1.75 - courage of heaven)= +33 dmg per hit
    + 15% fort bypass, + divine sacrifice + ki strike (5ki per 3sec but -1ki from lighting the candle)- 20 dmg per sec

    6monk 1cleric split is good option, because negative levels help entire party and helps with using tactics(-2 to -8 saves). This two quarter staff build have very similiar dps, cleric split using cocon for self heal, paladin split reconstruction. Both build are very good.
    Last edited by Khain; 09-16-2013 at 06:56 AM.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    12 Monk/7 Rogue/1 Druid works well. Wings + free stance feat > Opportunist for Shadowfell content.

    If you must have Paladin levels (due to being Bladeforged), then 9 Monk/6 Paladin/5 Rogue nets you everything you need.

    There's no compelling reason to build a toon capable of disarming Shadowfell spellwards. Like every other trap in the game, they can be avoided or mitigated through other actions.
    4d6 sneak attack, 3% DS, 10% fort bypass > 1 bonus feat, wings.

  18. #38
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    Default Change build race to Human

    Changing race to human and reworked enhacement for better self heal and more stuning DC.
    Last edited by Khain; 09-17-2013 at 02:55 AM.

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