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  1. #141
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    Default Zawabi's Revenge

    Just recently did my 40th on this. Mind you, char made in u16- that's actually when I started this game, true reincarnated in u17, and have been faithfully doing this raid twice a week for the last 5 months.

    I started as heroic, about level 15 or so, and have a mess of heroic and epic completions. Of course, this is all I see:
    Against the Demon Queen : Heroic: 39 / Epic : 0

    My 40th list was full of random junk, not a 20th like i got before.

    Put in a gm report, and the response i got was:

    The issue you have described has been recorded for review by the In-Game Support team but is not an issue that we can assist with. We recommend that you take a moment to submit a formal bug report at this url: to aid in the research of this issue. Be sure to fully review the information at the top of the bug report form to understand how bug reports are handled. ***NOTE: we are only adjusting CitW and FoT for now. All others need to be bug reported for QA to look at it, thank you.***

    So I've bug reported it.

    I don't know exactly, but my thoughts are the counter display is wrong. It knows what amount of heroic and epic raids I've done, so I'm not actually -at- 20 completions epic yet. I have a group depending on me to tank this on epic, so I'll be taking my random 40th reward, and I'm hoping someone can confirm or deny this theory. For now, this is what I will assume... and I hope I'm right. 5 months of work is a long time.

    Hopin to shake some conversation out of the developement team-

  2. #142
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Default Just got my 40th

    I just completed my 40th CitW last night (which has held me off a TR for over a month!) only to get random lootgen as an end reward.

    Waited online for 3.5 hours for a GM after putting in my ticket, who never came....

    I am leaving for ESO as soon as it comes out if things dont change in this game and Devs dont focus more on "game ruining" bugs as opposed to "exploitative" bugs that seem to get fixed ASAP!
    Making DDO a better game 1 post at a time!

    Triple EVERYTHING Completionist= Heroic 42/42, Iconic 12/12, Epic 36/36

  3. #143
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Why is there a heroic/epic for CiTW when theres only an epic version of the raid?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  4. #144
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delacroix21 View Post
    I am leaving for ESO as soon as it comes out if things dont change in this game and Devs dont focus more on "game ruining" bugs as opposed to "exploitative" bugs that seem to get fixed ASAP!
    I wouldn't be surprised if most of the DDO community shares this sentiment. I mean, there is like... very little holding people's interest to the game right now. You either TR, or you learn very quickly that at 28 nobody runs anything. And even while TRing, half the time you aren't going to find a group and it gets worse the closer to 20 you get.

    --No endgame, even WGU can be completely fairly easily by a decent party on EE. It's just long and grindy, not hard.

    --Itemization SUCKS now; they removed or combined the majority of the neat prefixes so that now any random loot you get has a variance of about six different things on it. BOOOOORING. Also, named items are garbage due to the excessive amount of randomly-generated abilities they can spawn with (as well as idiotic +4 enhancement bonuses)

    --Raiding, the singular biggest draw in any MMO because it allows a large group of people to work togehter as opposed to a smaller group that inevitably ends up excluding people, is dead. It was killed by a combination of a lack of loot incentive, and the single most destructive decision Turbine ever made by pushing out a buggy, new completion system for something that might or might not happen in the future.

    --ASAH, combined with random-gen loot being superior to named loot and EVERYTHING being tradeable, made gearing up your toon entirely too easy. MMOs need grind, whether people like it or not. It is what keeps people playing. Grind is what encourages goal setting-- getting all your uber loot within a week just leaves you with a dull, uninspired feeling of "Well, now what do I do?"

    --Last but not least, as you mentioned, the bugs. Every update adds more and more bugs and even brings back bugs that were previously fixed. And a very small percentage of them ever end up being fixed. At some point, something has to give. Players are only willing to endure so much, because they become too frustrated by broken gameplay mechanics, abilities, and content to play anymore.
    Last edited by djl; 09-16-2013 at 06:14 PM.

  5. #145
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    Default Most definitely still broken

    For Web I was showing as 10 heroic / 9 epic. I submitted tickets and talked to a GM TWICE about the issue before running my 20th. I was told both times that it was simply a display issue, and that their database showed me at 19 completions, so I should have no issues getting my 20th list on the next run. Ran it last night and ..........

    Random lootgen garbage. I guess I shouldn't be shocked that they were 100% wrong in what they told me. I've been waiting to TR on this 20th list, and now its a giant mess I will have to attempt to sort out with the GMs.

    The most frustrating thing for me is that there is no consistency in what players are being told by GMs. I asked twice for them to manually fix the counters and was refused both times. Unacceptable.

  6. #146
    Community Member Mephisto-Helix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velkynn View Post
    For Web I was showing as 10 heroic / 9 epic. I submitted tickets and talked to a GM TWICE about the issue before running my 20th. I was told both times that it was simply a display issue, and that their database showed me at 19 completions, so I should have no issues getting my 20th list on the next run. Ran it last night and ..........

    Random lootgen garbage.
    I guess I shouldn't be shocked that they were 100% wrong in what they told me. I've been waiting to TR on this 20th list, and now its a giant mess I will have to attempt to sort out with the GMs.

    The most frustrating thing for me is that there is no consistency in what players are being told by GMs. I asked twice for them to manually fix the counters and was refused both times. Unacceptable.
    That is tantamount to fraud ...... how someone can be so blatantly lied to is shocking and pathetic and disgusting. You should be ashamed Turbine, bloody well ashamed!
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  7. #147
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    no ones running raids at all because of this issue, they weren't running many anyways, but now it's literally NO ONE.

    This choice to put in buggy code for a feature that may or may not happen strikes me as the capper to a long list of bungling decisions that is speeding the demize of a game that ALREADY was headed in the wrong direction in terms of player retention and longevity.

  8. #148
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    Still no response from Turbine...interesting...guess they don't give a ****. My brother ran his 20th epic ADQ and didn't get nothing, just a bunch of random gen junk. He has since opened up three help tickets and the GM closes them within 10 mins saying they can't help him. At this point raiding is broken, I would not risk any 20th run. In addition I would suggest boycotting any point buys, let them fix the game before spending any money on it.

  9. #149
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClan View Post
    no ones running raids at all because of this issue, they weren't running many anyways, but now it's literally NO ONE.

    This choice to put in buggy code for a feature that may or may not happen strikes me as the capper to a long list of bungling decisions that is speeding the demize of a game that ALREADY was headed in the wrong direction in terms of player retention and longevity.
    It honestly, truly seems like WB has given the order to kill the game.

    Don't make it obvious, and do it in such a way that we can nickle and dime the players for everything we can before the game completely dies, but do purposely sabotage it.

  10. #150
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Still no news ?

    As a side note yesterday I discovered on my Druid that the VON completion counters said : Heroic 6, Epic 1.

    As a Druid she cannot have started running quests before MOTU. ( she was a Cleric before and was TRed into a Druid once it became available )
    She definitely hasn't run any Heroic VON.

    So anybody from Turbine cares to comment on how broken the counters are and what is going on to try to fix them ? Or is Turbine still it's uncommunicative self ?
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

  11. #151
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    I had citw counter 3 heroic/ 16 epic. Yesterday I submitted a ticked and politely asked for fiximg it to 19 epic. Gm responded in 2 minutes (mby even faster) and fixed it. After it I ran citw and got 20th raid reward - list of named items and +4 int tome (took pinion). Oh and I didnt have any skill tome, just rewards as used to be.


  12. #152


    Quote Originally Posted by djl View Post
    --Itemization SUCKS now; they removed or combined the majority of the neat prefixes so that now any random loot you get has a variance of about six different things on it. BOOOOORING. Also, named items are garbage due to the excessive amount of randomly-generated abilities they can spawn with (as well as idiotic +4 enhancement bonuses)
    There's more variation in named items than lootgen, which is sad, really.

  13. #153
    Community Member mmitch5's Avatar
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    Can you share your experience of your 100th 120th raid list
    Completions ?
    Did you get what was intended in the reward list ?
    Asking this because my 40 th FOT end reward gave me
    Exactly what I wanted...3 heroic commendations and
    À choice of 6 to 8 objects that can be looted on main
    Chest and one ridiculous tome of skill
    My quest completions is at -1 so maybe it is just the
    /quest completions that is borked

    Quote Originally Posted by Derana View Post
    Caught in the Web : Heroic: 96 / Epic : 41

    I've bought over 130 raid timers for this raid, i was at about 133 completions, on the way to 140 completions.. now im at this? i honestly hope that it will be fixed and that i will be at my 140 completions again (because i've run them on epic normal to epic elite). i only play it for 20th lists ...
    **Anamalia level 25 Cleric **
    Guild Stealer of souls

  14. #154
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    DQ counter is still borked. Before update I was at 56 after MotU completions, which all went to be heroic. So I ran the last 4 heroic to hit 60 and got the list and what I wanted. After that I've ran 2 epic DQ2s and the completions still go to heroic column. If I've know this I would have ran those 4 missing on epic to even have the abyssmal chance of pulling one of the shards I actually need. Chronos and CitWs go to the right counter now, but DQs don't. I started raiding after MotU so definetly the after MotU completions are not working as Tolero claims they should.

  15. #155
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larha78 View Post
    the after MotU completions are not working as Tolero claims they should.
    I'm sure it's safe to say that Tolero's claims can be ignored. She was given the wrong info, passed it on before it was tested/verified, and consequently was made to look bad. I doubt very much that after all that she's going to rush back here with new info until the fix, if there is one, is implemented and tested.

    Our choices right now are to ignore the bug and continue raiding as usual, hoping a fix will be retroactive and address all our issues,


    Stop raiding until we get more news.

    The other issue is GM assistance, but since that problem has existed for years, I wouldn't count on that.

  16. #156
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    Yay, I'm at 15 epic and 4 heroic completions for citw currently. Glad I did those heroic citw runs. Can never have enough ml 14 Cleavers.

  17. #157
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOgre View Post
    I'm sure it's safe to say that Tolero's claims can be ignored. She was given the wrong info, passed it on before it was tested/verified, and consequently was made to look bad. I doubt very much that after all that she's going to rush back here with new info until the fix, if there is one, is implemented and tested.
    While I agree in general terms, she could still come back and say that the info she was given was just wrong and that she will keep us updated when she has more info.
    That's the basic of Customer Relationship Management ( yes I got the course, I even have the diploma tucked somewhere in my desk. ).
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

  18. #158
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larha78 View Post
    DQ counter is still borked. Before update I was at 56 after MotU completions, which all went to be heroic. So I ran the last 4 heroic to hit 60 and got the list and what I wanted. After that I've ran 2 epic DQ2s and the completions still go to heroic column. If I've know this I would have ran those 4 missing on epic to even have the abyssmal chance of pulling one of the shards I actually need. Chronos and CitWs go to the right counter now, but DQs don't. I started raiding after MotU so definetly the after MotU completions are not working as Tolero claims they should.
    Ah. Thanks for this. I'm at 9/0 for DQ and wasn't sure how to read Tolero's OP. 11 heroics seems pretty silly if I'm 22.
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  19. #159
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    From the Update 19 Patch 2 Release Notes:

    • Raid completion counters have returned to their original state, and now once again track Heroic and Epic completions as one. The /quest completions command now reflects this change.

    This change can currently be seen on Lamannia. We expect to have news to share about the "when" of U19p2 hitting the live servers soon.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  20. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    From the Update 19 Patch 2 Release Notes:

    • Raid completion counters have returned to their original state, and now once again track Heroic and Epic completions as one. The /quest completions command now reflects this change.

    This change can currently be seen on Lamannia. We expect to have news to share about the "when" of U19p2 hitting the live servers soon.
    TY. Now about dem swim tomes ....

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