I really hate the way inventory space works. I absolutely loathe mess. I spend a lot of time placing objects in specific places in inventory. Keeping things neat and ordered. Unfortunately, every time I use any item (particularly weapons) it automatically places previous equipped items at the front (re right most tab) of inventory leaving gaping holes in your inventory slots. Yet every time loot is picked up it is auto placed in these gaps NOT at the front just like the swapped equipped items.
It makes me want to scream. Is there an easy fix?
If not, please, please, please fix it so that equipped items that get swapped are auto placed in the gaps NOT the front. This will result in new stuff being picked up appearing at the front and thus allowing us to see what's new. As it stands I waste too much time over the course of gaming fixing up my inventory space.
I do hope there is an easy fix to this.