Hi, I've posted about this in a different thread, but I guess it got buried by other posts, so I'm making a stand-alone thread for this.

I'm playing strength-based multiclassed trapmonkey Tempest (2nd life, Human, 1 Rogue / 1 X / 18 Ranger build, level 8 at the moment) and I was wondering where to put that "free level". People usually take a level of fighter, for the extra feat, but since we don't need Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack for Tempest anymore, I think it's not the only option anymore. Fighter does allow you to take both Sprint and Haste boost and the extra feat is nice, if you're going for Cleave/Great Cleave/Overwhelming Critical, but there are other classes which could benefit the Tempest too. I plan to TR as soon as possible, so my main focus is Heroic levels and soloing thereof. I'm not posting a character planner dump, because I want this to be a general discussion about the possibilities, but feel free to post yours, there's an abundance of free reincarnations at the moment.

Barbarian - makes up for the Sprint Boost with Fast Movement and also if you put a couple of points into FrB enhancements, you can Rage to get Sprint Boost in addition to the Fast Movement (as well as other bonuses), on the other hand it has the downside of not being able to cast or search/disable when raged and you are fatigued afterwards, which would require you to chug Lesser Resto pots or something...

Wizard - yes, wizard - you get a load of Spell Points (increased even more by INT modifier, which is nice), as well as Echoes of Power (from Magical Training) and a wizard bonus feat, which could be the Quicken (allowing you to not take concentration) or Mental Toughness (increasing your spell point pool even more). You also get +2 will save, which isn't something to frown upon, downside being a bit of a hinderance in your BAB progression, but since you really want to take this level only after you get CLW (i.e. level 10), it doesn't hinder getting Improved Critical...

Thoughts? Feel free to post your ideas, I don't have any of the premium classes, but if you think one of them would multiclass with Tempest nicely, feel free to post them as well, other people may find it useful.