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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Void Strike still in game?

    My monk is low (level 10) and I logged in post Update 19 and have not lesser reincarnated. I had void strike I before the update and see two void strike finishing moves in my feat list, but cannot find the void strike attack itself. Is this attack still in the game?

  2. #2
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Nandos View Post
    My monk is low (level 10) and I logged in post Update 19 and have not lesser reincarnated. I had void strike I before the update and see two void strike finishing moves in my feat list, but cannot find the void strike attack itself. Is this attack still in the game?
    From what I've seen, yes. Tier V in the Mystic tree irrc. (can't check atm, no access to DDO)

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Nandos View Post
    My monk is low (level 10) and I logged in post Update 19 and have not lesser reincarnated. I had void strike I before the update and see two void strike finishing moves in my feat list, but cannot find the void strike attack itself. Is this attack still in the game?
    Short answer, the following have been removed from the game:

    Void Strike 1
    Void Strike 2
    Void Strike 3

    Void Strike 4 has been moved to Tier 5 in Henshin Mystic.

    I hate it, but that's the way it is.

  4. #4


    I've recently submitted a bug report on this one.

    To get Void Strike if a non-Henshin, you'd have to spend 30 AP and then lock yourself out of your dominant Tier 5 class tree in picking Void Strike.

    Given that they didn't remove the level 10 special Void finishers, this makes no sense.

    My request to the QA team is to add a simple equivalent to the old Void Strike I as a feat available to Monks at level 1-3. This doesn't require any tinkering with the enhancement trees but gives us the basic attack needed when these level 10 finishers are available to a character. My alternative suggestion was to make the new VS an optional feat at level 18 and put something else in that slot for the Henshins (who could really, really use some other attack that's not fire based).

    Here's hoping.
    Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide
    (Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)
    The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more

  5. #5
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    I was/am pretty upset about this, void strike was my favorite line of abilities. I would like to point out though that unless the feat was auto-granted I'm not too sure the VS line was quite "feat worthy"...

    That having been said, I would really like for the VS line to return in some fashion. The simple facts are that the void/light-dark/void finisher moves require a huge investment into henshin mystic now for the finisher to be even possible. The Light/Void finisher at the very least is far from worth such an investment (I haven't played a dark monk nearly as much to speak for dark monks).

    The void strike line was an all around great line compared to the rather mundane and repetitive and 'vanilla' moves the forms provide, save for earth which is also nice.

  6. #6
    Community Member humbleroller's Avatar
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    I just spent a very long time looking for this.

    considering the 4 special finishing moves for Touch of Despair, Void Strike is a very important attack, and now I have to go the slow way.

    Im not happy with what they have done with dark monk. Whats with all this poison attacks ?
    Real join date: Update 7

  7. #7
    Who does your taxes?
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    I still haven't found a suitable replacement for an ability on my 'Q' key. And my finger still naturally wants press that key all the time. I tried some of the cheaper blast type abilities in the Henshin tree, but they were very disappointing. Low damage and a long attack animation. Needless to say, I miss my Void IV very much, and I would settle for any version of Void on my Shintao monk. Between the missing Void (redundant? Hehe) and certain attacks not counting towards EiN, my monk just doesn't feel the same.

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