So I'm planning a possible return to tempest (which I did last life and loved). Now last life I went HOrc and 8 ftr levels to leverage high str, stunning blow, and extra damage. This life I'm contemplating elf dex build, because it's just so tempting.

The quandary: I starting planning out my AP and found I spent about 20 too many in tempest tree (and could've spent more!).

The question: what to drop from this list (and what to add if I missed a "must-have")

Tempest (72!!!):
1 - Shield of whirling steel
2 - tempest
2 - graceful death
2 - deflect arrows
2 - whirlwind
2 - dervish

2 - whirling blades
6 - improved reaction

2 - whirling blades
6 - improved parry
6 - improved dodge
6 - bleed them out
6 - action boost speed

2 - whirling blades
3 - +1 dex

2 - whirling blades
2 - +1 dex
6 - elaborate parry

3 - a thousand cuts
6 - a dance of death
3 - evasive dance

Elf (19):
1 - elven accuracy
2 - elven dex
1 - elven accuracy
2 - elven dex

2 - Aerenal weapon training
3 - enchantment lore (mostly just to hit 15 AP spent)

2 - aerenal weapon training

2 - aerenal weapon training

1 - grace
2 - aerenal weapon training
1 - skill

AA (7):
1 - arcane archer
2 - conjure arrows
2 - elemental arrows
2 - morphic arrows

DS (1):
1 - far shot

My instinct is to drop evasive dance (will have a good reflex anyway), bleed them out (nice, especially at low levels, but not as nice as others for cost), improved parry (tough to let go but something has to go) and improved dodge (ditto). Am I crazy? Am I too DPS focused?

Also, do the stacks of elaborate parry increase the duration indefinitely, or is it hard-capped at 15 sec? And does it allow you to exceed the hard cap of 25% dodge?

For feats I'm thinking:
imp crit (pierce)
imp crit (ranged)
Pt blank shot

OC / Precision (not sure I want to put that much into str)
Combat archery ?