even though I have three ranks in this as an enhancement. Is this a known bug?
even though I have three ranks in this as an enhancement. Is this a known bug?
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
It's known to players, not sure if "they" know. I have seen several threads about this.
Only solution I saw was one person who claimed that when they logged on they could reset their enhancements and it would work until they logged out. They then had to reset the enhancements again next time they logged in. Sounds expensive.
Have you checked to see if the enhancements are still purchased from the trainer? There are tons of bugs where the selected enhancements just seem to unselect themselves when you close the trainer screen.
Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak
Thanks Xadin !
As long as it "isn't me", that's fine. It is a bug for sure then.
See you in the game my friend.
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo