I'm getting ready to TR into a halfling qstaff rogue/monk but I'm still going back and forth on what feats to take. Depending on the exact build (leaning towards Rog 13/Monk 7 right now), I'll probably have around 10 feats (plus epics).
Here's what I have so far:
1. Power Attack
2. Cleave
3. Great Cleave
4. Improved Crit (bludgeon)
Most Likely
5. Dodge
6. Mobility
7. Spring Attack
I want to maximize my dodge and these seem like they would synergize well with Acrobat and Tumble.
The Question Marks
This is where things gets tricky.
Improved Trip (requires Combat Expertise) - Acrobat has Trip enhancements but going Dex-based, I'm not sure the DC's will ever be high enough to be worth it. I won't be dumping Str per se but it will probably only get to around 22-25ish (base 13 + 3 tome + 6 item + misc buffs). Assuming Str 22 and the Acrobat enhancements, that's only a Trip DC of 23 (14 + 6 Str + 3 enhancement) before items.
Improved Feint - Sounds great on paper but I've heard it's very buggy in actual play. I've never used it so not sure if it's worth it.
Both of these feats require Combat Expertise, which I doubt I'll actually use all that much.
THF/Imp THF/Gr THF chain - Originally I thought these were no-brainers but it seems that Sneak Attack doesn't proc on glancing blows. However, these still increase DPS and I do tend to solo quite often. They require a higher Str but I have +3 tomes so not too difficult to meet.
Dragonmark of Healing - The new dragonmark enhancements are great, and halflings have access to one of the best. But as good as the healing DM is, I'm not sure I'll need it with UMD.
Thanks in advance for any help!