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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default The New Expansion XP changes

    You guys and gals have done an outstanding job with the XP rules. It has solved not only the XP-Quest but secondarily also the grouping flows.

    I think we got exchange in abundance with the cost of this update and am looking forward to updates to the crafting system too.

    I wouldn't mind hearing from others on their change of "playstyle" from this update.
    Thx in advance.

  2. #2
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixil View Post
    You guys and gals have done an outstanding job with the XP rules. It has solved not only the XP-Quest but secondarily also the grouping flows.

    I think we got exchange in abundance with the cost of this update and am looking forward to updates to the crafting system too.

    I wouldn't mind hearing from others on their change of "playstyle" from this update.
    Thx in advance.
    I appreciate the XP changes in general. However, it still doesn't encourage people to run less popular (pay) content.

    The F2P quests will always be popular.

    Of the quests in the pay packs, some have poor XP, some have excellent XP and some have middle of the road XP.

    I had hoped with adding augment slots to the old heroic gear that some older quests would become popular, but that hasn't happened. I also hoped that with the XP grind slowed down via ransack that less popular quests might have a new luster, but that hasn't happened either.

    What appears to be happening (admittedly only in my little corner of Eberron) is that people will run the same high XP quest 2-3x instead of 9x, and then move on to another high XP quest. After they get the quests they want, they log off for the day and wait for the penalty to reduce or clear the next day before repeating the quests they need to level. They're also more likely to run two TR's at the same time which means alternating between the two to mitigate the ransack penalty.

    On the Epic front, I see some older pack regaining popularity after the Gianthold burn, most notably the House P Carnival Chain, and the epic Red Fens. Interest is also still high in the epic Antique Greataxe and Claw set. House D's Bazaar of Blood (Bargain of Blood?) is still popular to run for both XP and seals/tokens. But there's still little interest in the Sands Epics (other than Wiz King and walkups) because the XP in the XP to pain ratio is too low. The Subterranean raids and skellie farming are also suffering. When I started DDO it was quite popular while it was insanely difficult to get through. Now, even though the power curve has shifted to make it easier, it's a ghost zone.

    I'm thrilled that epic raids are once again worth xp and if you don't bypass you get the maximum XP from each run. For the longer term that will help me fill in the corners on some missing XP from epic destiny farming. It's nice to have raids be worth both loot and XP, especially since the loot was severely devalued by the latest random loot pass. But I'm not sure I like the idea of spending months grinding out raid gear only to have it turned into something that's literally worthless when compared to random generated loot. Raid loot should only be superseded by newer raid loot.

    So in general, the changes are certainly more good than bad. I just wish there would be some work (and by work I mean XP increases) put into making the less popular packs more desirable.

  3. #3
    Community Member kuro_zero's Avatar
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    When the game was first released there wasn't much of an end-game. Level cap was 10, and the only raid was Tempest Spine. The only thing to do was ransack the higher level chests for loot and maybe do a tempest spine run.

    I bring this up because after ransacking the easily farmable chests (co6 prt6, threnal south pt3, giant's cave, caverns of korromar locked chest) did I and my friends do the less rewarding content? No, we would level alts to cap to do the same until eventually we got bored with that and just logged in once a week to ransack. It was when we realized we were paying a monthly fee to play a game once a week.

    I fear quest ransack does the same thing. It is NOT going to make the less run content more popular simply because the efficient XP/min crowd are running XP pots (which was the biggest reason for efficient XP gain to get the most for your TP/dollars) As was stated, they'll log another character to run because they simply DO NOT want to run the other content.

    When they realize they are unable to run what they want to when they want to or their playtimes allows, they will leave. I have a few 2nd lifers I will cap, but my main with 7 lives who I wanted to get completionist will not be TRing unless they change SOMETHING about the terrible XP ransack (the promises smoothing of XP curve would be a start).
    Officer of Disciples of the Apocalypse on Sarlona
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  4. #4
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixil View Post
    You guys and gals have done an outstanding job with the XP rules. It has solved not only the XP-Quest but secondarily also the grouping flows.

    I think we got exchange in abundance with the cost of this update and am looking forward to updates to the crafting system too.

    I wouldn't mind hearing from others on their change of "playstyle" from this update.
    Thx in advance.
    "grouping flows"? I'm guessing you mean flaws, but I may be wrong. Let me sum up Thelanis. I see 10 LFMs atm. More than normal. 3 at epics, 2 explorers, one favour grinder, hard Vale run and 3 elite for BB's. Great, more for me to solo.

    But hey, I'm even better at soloing now! Woo for xp change!

    And in regards to xp-quest? No. It solved nothing. IQ is still BB and done (few exceptions, if I'm short on xp). Shav/house C is done at epics... If that. Low xp/minute content is still low xp/minute.

    What Turbine should have done: Given us 50% xp/day ("recharging" the xp, as is on live), and left the system the same. Benefits everyone. I don't take an xp/minute nerf (making me less inclined to play, quitting is an option atm), people that don't obsessively farm get more xp.
    (Also, in regards to running more content, I can run less. I'm intending on getting to cap with <100 favour now. Just for fun)

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixil View Post
    I wouldn't mind hearing from others on their change of "playstyle" from this update.
    Thx in advance.
    It made me consider quitting. I dont like playing alts. I have 1 character I play and when I get bored at cap, I TR and work towards completionist. I like levelling fast. I dont like staying at the same level for days.

    I do like to take it slow some lives, do all the quests, or run the ones with crappy XP I have not run in a while just for the fun of it. I dont like being forced to do this all the time.

    So to sum it up... Devs destroyed my preferred playstyle, I dont really feel like playing at the moment.
    Con is not a dump stat, but reading comprehension is not a dump skill!

    I dont have alts, just mules. Find me as Darivian on Thelanis.

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