Has anyone tried Improved Feint post-update? I recall some threads mentioning that it had either been broken, nerfed, or both. Just wondering if it was now worth taking. Thanks!
Has anyone tried Improved Feint post-update? I recall some threads mentioning that it had either been broken, nerfed, or both. Just wondering if it was now worth taking. Thanks!
I have it on my level 10 ranger/5 rogue knife specialist. It does function, although it seems to be a little quirky. I think it works if you pause your attacks after first activating it--you must interrupt the combat sequence, let it bluff them, then attack. At least this is how it is with daggers. I read once that this is not the case with wraps.
It doesn't always proc, either, meaning that it has some DC or uses my toon's bluff skill (which is actually decent).
It also has affected several mobs at once.