Hi all,
I keep wanting to try stealth and "rogue" tactics, but am not really willing to completely forgo self-sufficiency and tactical options - so what do I actually need to be able to function as a rogue, through to hopefully at least Epic Hard some day? (If I ever get that far...)
I'm sure I can't get Assassinate DC high enough if I bring in "enough" self-healing, so I won't even try.
Going dex-based halfling would reduce the number of stats to keep high, and help with AC... but I could get headshot and
So, with that in mind, with 13 rogue/6 ranger/1 wizard I apparently could use dex for to-hit and damage with light weapons and scimitars, dex to hit / int to damage with crossbows, plenty of self-healing if halfling, and access to wizard wands without UMD. I can keep sneak, trap and lock skills maxed, but how much saves do I need?
Current plan is:
Halfling, 13 rogue / 6 ranger / 1 wizard
str 10
dex 17
con 14
int 16
wis&cha 8
level ups into dex and a +2 int tome (unopened birthday box).
Feats chosen:
Point Blank Shot (1), FE undead (ranger), Weapon Finesse/Dodge (swap when no longer needing Finesse), Least Dragonmark, Maximize (wizard bonus, for the dragonmark), Sap, FE construct (ranger), Imp Crit slashing (main melee weapon being scimitar), GTWF, Slippery Mind, Imp Crit ranged, Improved Evasion.
Would it work better if I'd fit in, say, Precision instead of... Sap or Dodge? Something else?
Enhancements planned would end up as,
Deepwood Stalker 32 ap:
1 Far Shot 1 ap
3 Increased Empathy 3*1 ap
2 Versatile Empathy 2*1 ap
1 Sneak Attack 1 ap
(1 Improved Weapon Finesse 1 ap // drop when we take Graceful Death and replace Finesse with Dodge)
1 Called Shot 1 ap
2 Aimed Shot 2 ap
4 Empathic Healing 2*2 ap // Lesser Vigor SLA
6 Stealthy 3*2 ap
2 Leg Shot 2 ap
6 Faster Sneaking 3*2 ap
2 Skill boost 1*2 ap
2 Head Shot 2 ap
Tempest 11 ap:
1 Shield of Whirling Steel 1 ap
2 Whirling Blades 2 ap
2 Improved Reaction 2*1 ap
1 Tempest 1 ap
1 Improved Reaction 1*1 ap
2 Improved Parry/Dodge 2*1 / 1*2 ap
1 Graceful Death 1 ap // should allow dex to-hit AND to-dam in melee without Finesse
Halfling 13 ap:
1 Halfling Luck 1 1 ap
3 Dragonmark Focus 3*1 ap
3 Halfling Cunning 3*1 ap
2 Lesser Dragonmarks 2 ap
2 Halfling Dexterity 1 2 ap
2 Greater Dragonmarks 2 ap
Wizard 1 ap:
1 Archmage, SLA: Invisibility
Mechanic 23 ap:
1 Arbalester 1 ap
3 Mechanics 3*1 ap
3 Awareness 3*1 ap
2 Crossbow Training 1 2 ap
1 Tanglefoot 1 ap
1 Targeting Sights 1 ap
2 Crossbow Training 2 2 ap
2 Crossbow Training 3 2 ap
3 UMD 3*1 ap
2 +1 int/dex 2 ap
1 Improved Detection 1 ap
2 Crossbow Training 4 2 ap
== 80 ap total.
Any suggestions on whether this could be improved, or is it just too gimp for words?