Hi guys,
So I'm trying to figure out what the hell to do with my 20 fighter now. He'll be getting Epic TRed when I've got time to play the game to 28/when epic TR is available (Is it out yet?)
He's Helf and I've got a few options I'm interested in:
Dual Wielding 2/18 Monk/Fighter (Kensai/Flowers) With Paladin Dilly (switching to Paladin Dilly when the +3 tomes kick in and take him to 13 cha, alternatively trying to find a +5 tome for this purpose)
Dual Wielding 2/2/16 Monk/Paladin/Fighter(Kensai/flowers) with some other Dilly, maybe artificer (Much the same as above but perhaps a bit build point starved)
Sword and Board 2/18 Paladin/Fighter (Or pure fighter) (Stalwart/Unyielding) Sort of what I'd planned to go for before I saw Kensais could use any weapon as a ki weapon