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  1. #1
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Default [WAI?] Unyielding Sovereignity: Enhancement + Feat

    So I LR'ed a Cleric and even created another new one. At Level 1 I took the class feat that was previously an enhancement called "blessed by sovereign host" or something like that. Then on Level 6 there was no other feat listed as class feat than Unyielding Sovereignity, so I took that too. When I finished taking Levels I spent the Actionpoints, and in the Radiant Servant Tree there was Unyielding Sovereignity again available to choose. There was no difference between the LR'ed and the new toon. The enhancement has a 5 Minute cooldown, the feat a lower one and they do not share the cd, but I wonder if this really is wai to get this spell twice?

  2. #2
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    I'd like to know the answer to this as well.

    If I had to make an educated guess, I'd assume that they're on the same cooldown timer, and that it's a waste to take the enhancement. That's only based on my observations of how they've handled Clerics in the past, though, and I haven't had a chance to LR my Clerics to see yet.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  3. #3
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    If I had to make an educated guess, I'd assume that they're on the same cooldown timer, and that it's a waste to take the enhancement.
    No, they do not share the cooldown timer. There's also a difference on the Icons. The UnyS-Feat has the symbol of a plus in the left upper corner. The UnyS-Enhancement is blank. The Cooldown of the Enhancement (5 Min) takes much longer than the feat (3 Min I guess).

  4. #4
    Community Member Ginarrbrik's Avatar
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    I recently noticed the same thing myself. I'm guessing that it's WAI because in some situations, having 2 independent uses of this ability would be helpful. It has a long cooldown. If someone is really racking up the death penalties, getting rid of them can be a game changer and if one US is not anywhere near being able to be used again, having a back-up ready could be clutch. That said, I only took the feat version cause there were better things to spend my enhancement points on, imo. But I could see where a person could use both.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ginarrbrik View Post
    I'm guessing that it's WAI because in some situations, having 2 independent uses of this ability would be helpful.
    I hope it's wai. It's pretty cool when fighting with a WF Player or WF Hire. Since the update, the WF Hires seem to have no Healing Amplification or Penalty Reduce anymore. At least I noticed a significant reduction of restored HP compaired to as it was preUpdate. But especially the Fighters don't take much damage, so I heal them with UnyS which seems to work like the Paladin's Lay on Hands without heal reduction. There's also a difference between the two UnyS regarding what's shown on the screen in green Numbers: When I use the Enhacement I get shown Number's about Ability Points restored, when I use the Feat, I get shown Healthpoints restored (recently I used it on Clericlevel 8 and it showed 13k HP restored, I guess it's enough for Playerlevel 100?^^), though both do the same.

  6. #6
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    I ended up taking both the feat and enhancement to do some testing. As another commenter mentioned, they do not share a cooldown-- one is half the cooldown of the other.

    I did notice something I didn't like, though.... I don't remember which of the two I casted, but it did not remove a death penalty. I checked the description, and it says it still should remove any death penalties.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  7. #7
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    Default unyielding Sov. Feat bugged

    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    I did notice something I didn't like, though.... I don't remember which of the two I casted, but it did not remove a death penalty. I checked the description, and it says it still should remove any death penalties.
    Yes I can confirm that as well, the Feat seems buggy: it does not remove neg lvls. The enhancement works as it should. I have submitted a ticket. but the ticket feature also seems buggy so....wait and see.
    What I find strange is that a cleric going for RS still has to take the enhancement, in addition to having previously choosen the Feat to advance in the tree. The second should be optional.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Urist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sandrider View Post
    What I find strange is that a cleric going for RS still has to take the enhancement, in addition to having previously choosen the Feat to advance in the tree. The second should be optional.
    Correction: AFAIK the enhancement in question is not required, nor dependent upon, any other enhancement in the tree. Taking it is entirely optional.
    Besides which, having it in there, opens up the possibility for a 6-level cleric-splash Elf to have both a raise dead ability from Undying Court, as well as Unyielding Sovereignty.

    Yet I imagine that Turbine might replace that enhancement with something else in the future - something which boosts the faith-based ability perhaps. Adding (back -_-) neg-level removal to US, or improving the non-Elf raise dead for UC, for example.

  9. #9
    Community Member Tom_Hunters's Avatar
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    today I was using Unyielding Sovereignty after resurrected, and found that instead of removing death penalty, it locks the penalty in place - it didn't remove it but it made the timer gone.. So I was stuck being touched by Death the whole time....

    Anyone experienced this bug too?

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