Build notes for myself:
Halfling 36-point 8/6/6 Fighter/Ranger/Monk
Self-healing with dragonmarks, evasion, high Reflex save, high Dodge, centered with rapiers, incorporeal, decent Stunning.
Went Halfling for the healing dragonmarks... Half-elf or human is probably a stronger choice, but this character has been my main for 5-6 years and being a Halfling with the healing dragonmarks is his "thing"
Enhancements are awesome with this breakdown...
- Halfling - +1 to all saves
- Halfling - +3 to heal, +3 dragonmarks
- Halfling - +1 to bluff and +1 to hit sneak attacks
- Halfling - Lesser Dragonmark of Healing
- Halfling - +1 Sneak Attack Die
- Halfling - +1 Dexterity
- Halfling - Greater Dragonmark of Healing
- Halfling - +1 Sneak Attack Die
- Halfling - +1 to all saves
- Shintao Monk - 5% heal amp, +10 Postive Spell Power
- Deepwood Sniper - +1 Sneak Attack Die, +10 Spell Power
- Kensai - Focus - Light Blades - +1 to hit
- Kensai - Haste Boost III
- Kensai - Specialization - Light Blades - +1 to Hit/Damage
- Kensai - Specialization - Light Blades - +1 to Hit/Damage
- Kensai - Tactics +3
- Kensai - Specialization - Light Blades - +1 to Hit/Damage
- Kensai - Weapon Meditation
- Kensai - Shattering Strike
- Kensai - Extra Action Boost III
- Kensai - Specialization - Light Blades - +1 to Hit/Damage
- Kensai - Strength +1
- Kensai - Strength +1
- Kensai - +1 to Crit Threat Range with Light Blades
- Kensai - Deadly Strike
- Kensai - Centered with Light Blades
- Ninja Spy - Ninja Training
- Ninja Spy - +3 to Jump, Balance, Tumble, 3% Dodge
- Ninja Spy - +1 Sneak Attack Die
- Ninja Spy - Ninja Training
- Ninja Spy - +3 Concentration, Reflex Saves, Max Dodge
- Ninja Spy - Shadow Veil (25% incorporeal)
- Ninja Spy - Sting of the Ninja
- Tempest - Sheild of Whirling Steel
- Tempest - +3 Reflex Saves, +3 more against Traps
- Tempest - +1 hit/damage when dual wielding
- Tempest - 3% Dodge
- Tempest - Sprint Boost I
- Tempest - +3 Max Dodge
- Tempest - 10% more off-hand attacks
- Tempest - +1 STR
Enhancement Summary
- 19% Dodge without any items or EDs - 31% max Dodge
- 5d6 sneak attack bonus
- 70 Positive Spell Power for Dragonmark Heals
- +5 to hit/damage dual-weilding light blades
- +1 crit range with light blades
- Centered with Light Blades
- Haste Boost III (8 of them)
- 25% Incorpoeral
- +6 Reflex Saves (+3 more against traps)
- Tactics +3
- Strength +2
- Dexterity +1
This guy can stun decently if he twists in Legendary Tactics and uses a +10 stunning ring... Even as a hobbit, his STR is solid thanks to Sun Stance, Ram's Might, Primal Scream, etc.
30% Dodge is achievable with an 8% dodge item (Balizarde or the Dun robar Stunning Ring above) and 3% from Unearthly Reactions twist (which also gives +6 Reflex save)
Centered in Sun Stance, he can keep up incorporeal indefinitely (25% miss chance), along with Dodge (30% miss chance), and displacement clickables (or even twist in the Shadowdancer Improved Invisibility for more Displacements)
With Fury as his main ED, he gets Sense Weakness and Primal Scream and Adrenaline which he can use with melee or manyshot...
Self-healing from Fast Healing (when in Fury ED) and Dragonmarks and Silver Flame potions. Even get the Fists of Light monk move for constant low level healing when fighting mobs.
DPS is solid using Balizarde and a Radiance weapon (or Greater Bane weapon). Ton of sneak attack damage, overwhelming critical (+1 crit multipler on 19-20), Kensai +1 crit range enhancement. Stunning works great on EH, decent on most EEs (I need more fighter past lives, and may take the +2 tactics epic feat). Can go Earth Stance for more crit multiplier if moar DPS is the goal for a particular fight. Has manyshot for ranged DPS goodness.
LD is also a good choice for main ED, giving another +1 crit multipler on 19-20. Twist in Primal Scream and Sense Weakness in that case.
Note this build has plenty of feats, enough for Master of Forms, and the Paladin Past Live feat and even Extend to double my short 6-min Ram's Might and 2:20 minute Paladin PL feat. Could replace those if one wanted.
Still thinking about the last epic feat and the 2 destiny feats.
Items of course will have to be mostly redone. Should be able to fit in a +10 STR item somewhere.
Past Lives:
- Ranger (+2 to element resistances, +2 bow damage)
- Paladin (5% healing amp)
- Fighter (+1 attack, +1 to tactics DCs)
- Strength - 16 (+5 tome, +10 item, +3 Insight, +1 exceptional, +4 Sun Stance, +7 level ups, +3 enhancements +2 Ram's Might, +5 Primal, +2 Ship, +2 Yugo pot +2 ED STR) = 62
- Dexterity - 16 (+5 tome, +8 item, +2 Insight, +1 exceptional, +1 enhancement, +2 ship) = 34
- Constitution -15 (+5 tome, +8 item, +2 Insight, +1 exceptional, +2 ship) = 33
- Intelligence -13 (+4 tome, +1 exceptional) = 18
- Wisdom - 8 (+5 tome, +7 item, +1 exceptional, -2 Sun Stance) = 19
- Charisma - 9 (+5 tome, +8 item, +2 Insight, +1 exceptional) = 25
Feats (Free):
- Bow Strength
- Rapid Shot
- Manyshot
Level progression and chosen Feats:
- 1 Ranger - Least Dragonmark of Healing
- 2 Monk - Dodge
- 3 Monk - Past Life Paladin, Mobility
- 4 Ranger
- 5 Fighter - Weapon Focus: Pierce
- 6 Ranger - Stunning Blow
- 7 Monk - Fists of Light
- 8 Ranger
- 9 Fighter - Improved Critical: Pierce, Maximize (Change to Extend once you get Dragonmarked Heals)
- 10 Ranger
- 11 Fighter
- 12 Ranger - GTWF
- 13 Fighter - Weapon Specialization: Pierce
- 14 Monk
- 15 Monk - Zen Archery
- 16 Monk - Power Attack
- 17 Fighter
- 18 Fighter - Cleave, Great Cleave
- 19 Fighter
- 20 Fighter - Greater Weapon Focus: Pierce
- 21 Epic - Overwhelming Critical
- 24 Epic - Master of Forms
- 26 Epic Destiny - Tactician (+2 to DCs)
- 27 Epic - Grandmaster of Forms
- 28 Epic Destiny - Perfect Two-weapon fighting
Skills below, I'm going to change... I was trying to fit in Move Silently, so I could still sneak with Invisiblity, but I may just give up on that. We'll see... Main skills to max out as much as possible are Heal, UMD, Concentration, Intimidate, Spot, and Search.
- 1 Ranger - 4x Concentration, Balance, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, Jump
- 2 Monk - 1x Tumble, 1x Concentration, 1x UMD, 2x Balance,
- 3 Monk - (+1 INT tome takes effect) 1x Conc, 1x UMD, 2x Spot, 2x Balance
- 4 Ranger - 3x Search, Heal, 1x Conc, 1x UMD
- 5 Fighter - 3x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 6 Ranger - 2x Search, Heal, Conc, 1x Balance, UMD
- 7 Monk - 4x Spot, 1x Conc, UMD
- 8 Ranger- 2x Search, Heal, Balance, 1x Conc, UMD
- 9 Fighter - 3x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 10 Ranger - 2x Search, Heal, Conc, 1x Balance, UMD
- 11 Fighter - (+3 INT tome takes effect) 4x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 12 Ranger - 2x Search, Heal, Balance, Conc, 1x UMD
- 13 Fighter - 4x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 14 Monk - 2x Conc, Spot, Balance, 1x UMD
- 15 Monk - 3x Spot, 2x Balance, 1x UMD, 1x Conc
- 16 Monk - 1x Conc, 1x UMD, 1x Spot, 4x Balance
- 17 Fighter - 4x Intimidate,1x UMD
- 18 Fighter - 3x Intimidate, 1x Jump, 1x UMD
- 19 Fighter - 1x Intimidate, 3x Heal, 1x UMD
- 20 Fighter - 1x Intimidate, 1x Heal, 1x Jump, 2x Concentrate
Epic Destinies
- Fury Of the Wild - Twists: Legendary Tactics, Unearthly reactions, Improved Invisibility
- Legendary Dreadnaught - Twists: Sense Weakness, Unearthly Reactions, Primal Scream
- Any other ED - Twists: Sense Weakness, Legendary Tactics, Primal Scream
Stun DC
- 10 + 15 items (Dun Robar Ring and Spare Hand Belt) + 26 STR bonus + 3 Kensai + 6 LD twist +2 Tactician (ED feat) +2 fighter past lives = 64
Another option.... 12/6/2 Ranger/Paladin/Fighter
- Strength - 16 (+5 tome, +10 item, +3 Insight, +1 exceptional, +4 Sun Stance, +7 level ups, +3 enhancements +2 Ram's Might, +5 Primal, +2 Ship, +2 Yugo pot +2 ED STR) = 62
- Dexterity - 16 (+5 tome, +8 item, +2 Insight, +1 exceptional, +2 ship) = 34
- Constitution -14 (+5 tome, +8 item, +2 Insight, +1 exceptional, +2 ship) = 32
- Intelligence -10 (+4 tome, +1 exceptional +2 ship) = 17
- Wisdom - 8 (+5 tome, +8 item, +1 exceptional, +2 Insight, +2 ship) = 26
- Charisma - 14 (+5 tome, +10 item, +2 Insight, +1 exceptional +2 ship +2 Yugo pot) = 36
Feats (Free):
- Bow Strength
- Rapid Shot
- Manyshot
- Precise Shot
- Improved Precise Shot
Level progression and chosen Feats:
- 1 Ranger - Least Dragonmark of Healing
- 2 Ranger
- 3 Fighter - Dodge, Power Attack
- 4 Ranger
- 5 Ranger
- 6 Paladin - Stunning Blow
- 7 Ranger
- 8 Ranger
- 9 Paladin - Maximize
- 10 Ranger
- 11 Fighter - Improved Critical: Pierce
- 12 Ranger - Empower Healing
- 13 Ranger
- 14 Paladin
- 15 Paladin - Cleave
- 16 Ranger
- 17 Ranger
- 18 Paladin - Great Cleave
- 19 Paladin
- 20 Ranger
- 21 Epic - Overwhelming Critical
- 24 Epic - Quicken
- 26 Epic Destiny - Tactician (+2 to DCs)
- 27 Epic - Improved Sunder
- 28 Epic Destiny - Perfect Two-weapon fighting
- 1 Ranger - 4x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, Jump
- 2 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, Jump
- 3 Fighter - 1x Intimidate, UMD
- 4 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, Intimdate
- 5 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, Intimidate
- 6 Paladin - 1x Intimidate, UMD
- 7 Ranger - (+2 INT tome takes effect) 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate
- 8 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate
- 9 Paladin - 1x Heal, Intimidate, UMD
- 10 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate
- 11 Fighter - 2x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 12 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate
- 13 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate
- 14 Paladin - 1x Heal, 1x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 15 Paladin - (+4 INT tome takes effect) 1x Heal, 2x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 16 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate, x
- 17 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate, x
- 18 Paladin - 1x Heal, 1x Intimidate, 1x UMD, x
- 19 Paladin - 1x Heal, 1x Intimidate, 1x UMD, x
- 20 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, Search, Heal, 2x Intimidate, x, x
Another option.... 12/4/4 Ranger/Fighter/Paladin
- Strength - 16 (+5 tome, +10 item, +13 Divine Might, +1 exceptional, +7 level ups, +5 enhancements +2 Ram's Might, +5 Primal, +2 Ship, +2 Yugo pot +2 ED STR) = 70
- Dexterity - 16 (+5 tome, +8 item, +2 Insight, +1 exceptional, +2 ship) = 34
- Constitution -14 (+5 tome, +8 item, +2 Insight, +1 exceptional, +2 ship) = 32
- Intelligence -10 (+4 tome, +1 exceptional +2 ship) = 17
- Wisdom - 8 (+5 tome, +8 item, +1 exceptional, +2 Insight, +2 ship) = 26
- Charisma - 14 (+5 tome, +10 item, +2 Insight, +1 exceptional +2 ship +2 Yugo pot) = 36
Feats (Free):
- Bow Strength
- Rapid Shot
- Manyshot
- Precise Shot
- Improved Precise Shot
Level progression and chosen Feats:
- 1 Ranger - Least Dragonmark of Healing
- 2 Ranger
- 3 Fighter - Dodge, Power Attack
- 4 Ranger
- 5 Ranger
- 6 Paladin - Stunning Blow
- 7 Ranger
- 8 Ranger
- 9 Paladin - Maximize
- 10 Ranger
- 11 Ranger
- 12 Ranger - Empower Healing
- 13 Fighter - Improved Critical: Pierce
- 14 Paladin
- 15 Paladin - Improved Critical: Ranged
- 16 Fighter
- 17 Ranger
- 18 Ranger - Quicken
- 19 Fighter - Quick Draw/Improved Sunder/Cleave?
- 20 Ranger
- 21 Epic - Overwhelming Critical
- 24 Epic - ?
- 26 Epic Destiny - Tactician (+2 to DCs)
- 27 Epic - Quick Draw (or Point Blank Shot or maybe a stat point to even out CON or CHA)
- 28 Epic Destiny - Perfect Two-weapon fighting
- 1 Ranger - 4x Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, Jump. 2x Tumble, 2x Balance
- 2 Ranger - 1x Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, Jump, Balance
- 3 Fighter - 1x Intimidate, UMD
- 4 Ranger - 1x Spot, Search, Heal, UMD, Intimdate, Balance
- 5 Ranger - 1x Spot, Heal, UMD, Intimidate, 2x Search
- 6 Paladin - 1x Intimidate, UMD
- 7 Ranger - (+2 INT tome takes effect) 1x Spot, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate, Search
- 8 Ranger - 1x Spot, Search, UMD, 2x Intimidate, Heal
- 9 Paladin - 1x Heal, Intimidate, UMD
- 10 Ranger - 1x Spot, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate, Search
- 11 Ranger - 1x Spot, Search, UMD, 2x Intimidate, Heal
- 12 Ranger - 1x Search, Heal, UMD, 2x Intimidate, Spot
- 13 Fighter - 2x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 14 Paladin - 1x Heal, 1x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 15 Paladin - (+4 INT tome takes effect) 1x Heal, 2x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 16 Fighter - 3x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 17 Ranger - 1x Spot, UMD, 2x Intimidate, Search, Heal
- 18 Ranger - 1x Spot, UMD, Heal, 2x Intimidate, 3x Search
- 19 Fighter - 3x Intimidate, 1x UMD
- 20 Ranger - 1x Concentration, Spot, 3x Search, Heal, 2x Intimidate
Halfling - Strength - 16 (+6 tome, +11 item, +13 Divine Might, +1 exceptional, +7 level ups, +3 enhancements +4 ED +2 Ram's Might, +5 Primal, +2 Ship, +2 long-lasting elixir, +2 Yugo pot) = 74
Stun and Trip DC = 10 + 17 items (Consuming Darkness Ring and Epic Boots of the Innocent) + 32 STR bonus + 3 Kensai + 6 LD twist +2 Tactician (ED feat) +3 fighter past lives +1 Guild bonus +1 Shadowscale armor = 75