Have any of you guys played Neverwinter? (That new mmo out) Have any of you devs out there played it? Just wondering. Lol
Have any of you guys played Neverwinter? (That new mmo out) Have any of you devs out there played it? Just wondering. Lol
Umm Hi!This is my signature. If you don't like it I love you! Welp thanks for taking the time to read this!
I was an active beta tester. I think they've done some good things. I think they were respectful to the genre. But, at least as far as I made it through the game in Beta, I think it is hugely linear and scripted. The MMO experience is a bit wasted because--even in public areas--it seems like your path is all but set. It simply becomes your responsibility to advance the story line like it were a Playstation single-player game. Hopefully, that changes or improves later in the game.
I can say this honestly, I played with full intention of leaving this game, but I ended up coming back. I just love my Monk. I really liked my Bard until I totally gimped her. (Never, ever allow your guild-mates to convince you to change your solo-worthy Warchanter into a SpellSinger just so that they can get buffs!)
Where was I? I think their graphics and sound are very nice. The gameplay is ... simple. (At least to level 10.) It just doesn't have the social MMO feel of DDO, nor did I think it had the depth. Perhaps that community is just yet to be built. So I think they've done a good job, but I prefer the community I've built and I'm not compelled to change.
It's a free2play, so I encourage you to try it out. To each their own.
It's a niche market for people who enjoy linear games with little side progression. Farming for gear is the end-game from what I've heard. Not my cup-o-tea, but people can like different things and still be good people.
Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.