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Thread: shields

  1. #1
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Jun 2013

    Default shields

    Last night i had time to look at my defender, seems she's gone need a shield for the top tier enhancements to work.
    Being capped i took a look at ddo wiki and rejoiced, they created a new shield! great! something worth to grind!

    Untill i saw the stats and compaired it to the bullwark shield from GH Tor.

    Shield of Morning Large Shield
    Epic Elite (Shield Bonus +9, DR 8, ACP -1, ASF 15%), +3 Enhancement Bonus, Solar Guard VII, Random Effect9, Purple Augment Slot

    Bulwark of the Storm's Fist - Large Shield
    ML25: Shield Bonus +16, DR 14, ACP -1, SF 15, 2.5[1d10], 20x2, +7 Enhancement Bonus, Sheltering +15, Insightful Constitution +3, Purple Augment Slot, Blue Augment Slot

    What am i missing here?
    are the stats on ddo wiki incomplete or did some one else drop the ball?
    this thing is way weaker then the lv 25 shield
    As a reminder: none of them are raid shields for fair comparison
    I was under the impresion that all the topics on items woke dev's up (on the lamania forum)
    To make maters worse: the +1 Master's Riposte is posted just above the first shield....

    Can some one confirm the shield stat? (by picture).
    If the stats are like the ones in ddo wiki, can some one please explain me why this gear was created weaker then gear 2-3 levels below it? where is the progression?

    Spear/hamer/axeblock? On a EE shield? realy? why?
    On EE the difference of taking 425 damage or 415 is to small to matter and we get all 3 types of damage thrown at us all the time, this is why we get damage reduction standardly on shields.

  2. #2
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Jun 2013

    Default found the correct stats

    looking through the lamania forum, finaly found it, the topic derailed fast into: "random named loot sucks" (i agree with that!)

    Shield of morning:
    Epic Elite (Shield Bonus +13, DR 8, ACP -1, ASF 15%), +7 Enhancement Bonus, Solar Guard VII, Random Effect9, Purple Augment Slot

    perhaps an edit error on ddowiki, still horribly underpowered for something 3 levels over the gh tor.

    Why such weak stats on a item 3 levels above the stormfist?
    whats the catch?
    what went wrong?
    should i bug report this?

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council MangLord's Avatar
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    The new "improved" hammer/spear/etc block stuff is enough to negate a grazing hit at best in epic. Completely useless. If it deflected 20-30, then we might be talking. Even then, epic is so roided out that 20dam probably doesn't mean much.

    Also, when I have 100% fortification, that should block 100% of crits. All this 105-200% nonsense is ridiculous and causes needless complication. I'm feeling like I need a graduate degree more and more to follow the intricacies of this game. Just keep 100% at 100%, and don't make it sometimes less sometimes. That's stupid and ridiculously esoteric. Let's just assume that when you farmed hours of your life away to get 100% crit resistance you just win at that tiny aspect of the game and some stupid, nameless, AI thief can't take that away from you with his lucky backstab. It makes me feel like I can't get ahead ever.

    Farming is fundamentally repulsive but I respect it for what it is. Once I earn something that looks worth farming, don't take it away from me instantly with a lucky backstab. People are counting on the paladin defender to carry the party to the bitter end. Normally that's my job and a I relish it. You made me look like a fool with your ridiculous crit reduction nonsense, especially at level 14. I expect this kind of unfair BS once I get into roid rage epics, but give me a break at level 14.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MangLord View Post
    Also, when I have 100% fortification, that should block 100% of crits.
    Eh, the problem with this is idea is that is assumes the current team of developers has any interest at all in designing a game based on 3E rules. They do not. As evidenced by many of the more recent changes. They do not like fortification. They do not like spellcasters. They do not like. . . well, near as I can tell, anything that makes the game a 3E based game. And possibly D&D in general. They also suffer greatly from being unable to design content that works with the rules, resulting in them changing the rules so their stories work correctly (see changes to poison and disease immunity, detect secret doors, fortification, etc).

    If they were tabletop DMs, they would quickly find themselves to be DMs without players, because they would have all quit every time the DM changed the rules for a new module.

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