Trying to work on a build idea, overall concept is a dex based 11cleric/6ranger/3monk tempest build, a good blend of fighting ability & support capability - what can i say, i like my deepsplash melee divines
heroic feats:
empower healing
dragonmark (?) otherwise spring attack
Light path
toughness (eh, its a monk feat might as well & qualifier for epic toughness later maybe)
precision (to help a few sneak attack dice hit)
feats at epic level:
not too sure yet
Having a bit of trouble deciding on race - my primary contenders are dragonmarked elf (i just like them), half elf (rogue or maybe an arcane dilly plus racial healing amp), dragonmarked halfling (even more healing capability, sneak attack & dodge), human (feat, healing amp) or drow (shortsword bonuses) in roughly that order.
Enhancements would be some ninja spy for the shortswords to be centered & have dex for attack & damage, tier 5 tempest, some racial stuff (depending exactly what race), DWS for some sneak attack & to supplement the positive spellpower through animal empathy ones, then some radiant servant & a bit of protector. Exact blend once again not sure yet.
Any thoughts, potential pitfalls to watch out for, etc?