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what about off-hand? could anyone confirm if any of the tier 2 and 3 effects on thunderforged wepaons works in off hand when using a shuriken? would it be worth ditching Celestia? I know I would love an extra red slot for devotion, so I can put a dmg augment on the mainhand shuriken, but would lose planar focus too. Uf I am correct, Celestia gives you all 3 of radiance, greater sunburst and fiery detonation, right? Wrath of flames alone probably couldn't top that, if it even works on an off-hand... does it? and does anything else?
btw if it doesn't then I'll probably still choose wrath of flames for my main hand as opposed to paralyzing fear, paralysis is awesome no doubt, but I've been running without it for a good while and found that venom and other shiradi stuff was enough to deal with enemies, and the dps of wrath of flames is too much to lose, I'd rather blast everything in AOE for 500 on the proc instead of just paralyze one mob...