NovaSoul (a direct damage epic FVS build)
The NovaSoul is a direct damaged (light/physical/fire) FVS build capable of raid healing, soloing epic elites and can be done as a first life character if desired. This post will simply list the build, the second post contains build videos and the third post contains detailed analysis of different build options/choices.
18 FVS/2 Monk Human
Alignment: Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral
Str = 8 (base) + 3 (tome) + 2 (ship) + 7 (equipment) = 20
Dex = 12 (base) + 3 (tome) + 2 (ship) + 7 (equipment) = 24
Con = 18 (base) + 3 (tome) + 2 (ship) + 9 (equipment) + 6 (levels) = 38
Int = 13 (base) +3 (tome) = 16
Wis = 12 (base) + 3 (tome) + 2 (ship) + 1 Ocean Stance + 7 (equipment) = 27
Cha = 9 (base) + 3 (tome) + 2 (ship) + 2 (capstone) + 6 equipment = (22)
- For 34 and 36 point builds, put the extra points into Cha for SP or Wis/Dex for saves.
- Toughness
- Empower Healing
- Empower
- Maximize
- Quicken
- Mental Toughness
- Improved Mental Toughness
- Dodge
- Mobility
- Spring Attack
Epic Feats
- Epic Toughness
- Epic Mental Toughness
- Spell power whatever you want or skill focus spellcraft
- Ruin
- Hellball
Max SpellCraft, Heal, UMD, and Jump. During monk levels max Balance.
In epic elites when you face crowds of trash mobs, you are going to be jumping around like an old school arcane so balance and jump are needed.
Human 17 points
Core 1-4 (con/cha)
Don't Count Me Out (2, filler)
Improved Recover (all 3 ranks)
Fighting Style traditionalist caster (3 for 10 sp)
Angel of Vengence 45 pointsCore 1-4
Scourge 3
Just Reward 3
Inquisition 3
Angelic Resistance 3
Smiting all 4 ranks
Wand and Scroll Mastery 3
Intense Faith 3
Efficient Maximize 3
Efficient Empower 3
Zealous Faith 1 (I need to do the math to see what this helps and how much)
Protection 11 points(I'm testing out dumping protection for more points in the Aov tree)Core 1
Toughness (3)
Awareness (1, filler)
Efficient Quicken (3)This was the reason for spending in this tree
Henshin Mystic 1 pointcore 1 (5 fire sp, 5 force sp, 2 fire resist for 1ap. Yes please!)
Ninja Spy 4 pointsCore 1
Acrobatic 3 (3 dodge)
Shinto Monk 1 pointcore 1 (5 heal amp, 10 positive spell power for 1 ap. Yes again please!)
Epic Destiny - Exalted Angel for healing/offense
Avenging light - 2 AP, Light based SLA, 3 sp with 3 second cool down.
Radiant Power - 3 AP, +30 light spell power
Healing Power - 3 AP, +30 positive spell power
Endless Faith - 3 AP, +10% mana pool, echos to 30 sp
Purity of Essence - 3 AP, +10% heal amp
Renewal - 3 AP, (Active Cooldown: 3secs, 5sp) Heals 1d2 HP per 2 character levels every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. If target is below 50% health, grants celestial shield, which absorbs 50 damage.
Blood and Radiance - 3 AP, Each time you cast a light based spell, you gain Endless Ardor: +1 sacred bonus to positive energy for 10 seconds. Each time you cast a positive energy spell, gain righteous fervor: +1 sacred bonus to light spellpower for 10 seconds. Can stack up to 10 times. Each stack add 10 seconds to remaining duration. TLDR: Up to 30 spell power for light/healing.
Rebuke Foe - 2 AP, Only usable when Endless Ardor stack >=5. Target enemy tales 5% additional damage from physical and light damage for 30 seconds. Can stack up to 5 times, new stacks add 30 seconds to remaining duration. Endless Ardor stacks reset to zero. This boosts both your light damage as well as your physical damage. In a raid, this boots everyone's melee damage, and thus might be a bigger DPS contribution than any other single thing you could do.
Divine Wrath - 2 AP, Area light attack, heals too, looks like a small nuke, whats not to like.
Twists: Energy Burst, Toss Boulder, Wild Shot
This is my default configuration if I am not grinding destiny experience.
FVS18 11/11/11
Mnk2 03/03/03
GLuck 02/02/02
Insight 04/04/04
GHero 04/04/04
Resist 08/08/08 (Can do better in u19)
Ocean 01/01/01
Epic 03/03/03
Stats 07/07/07 (Can do better)
Alchem 01/01/01
Total 44/44/44 (Or better)
Acrobatic 3
Flurry of Blows 4
Ocean Stance 1
Dodge 3
Mobility 2
Spring Attack 2
+10 Dodge Item
25 dodge
Chance to be hit
50% Displace
10% Incorp
25% Dodge