Can anyone tell me if Combat Archery has been fixed? My own limited testing with a basic longbow from the little smithy in the harbor looks as if the +1W damage still has not been fixed even after a year.

Also the enhancements in the AA prestige that should end up giving me a +8 on every bow I equip do not seem to be working either. If I equip the basic no + longbow the +8 enhancement shows up in the weapon details, however, if I equip say a +4 longbow with no other properties on it, it remains in the weapon details a +4 longbow although there is text saying that I have added enhancements adding up to +8. There does not appear to much of a damage difference between the two so I am unsure if it is a serious bug (i.e. the enhancement benefits not overiding the + on the bow) or a minor bug such as the weapon details not displaying the improved weapon enhancement correctly.

Anyone know the best way to test this? or has anyone already done testing and have these answers?