Just what it says on the tin. I'd like to trade the Seal with DEX 7 (Mine) for the Insightful DEX 2 version (yours).
Send me a notification on the forums, and we'll coordinate.
Just what it says on the tin. I'd like to trade the Seal with DEX 7 (Mine) for the Insightful DEX 2 version (yours).
Send me a notification on the forums, and we'll coordinate.
Alesthane - Chorwynt - Glyndwyr - Hasta - Azzad - Chereneko - Threesee - Ziggystar - Pfipher - Zaathras - MajorisUrsa - Eichenauer - Cherneko - Kwayzaar - Gweirwyn - RedArray - Arbengwr - Aryett - Bhokz - Escobhaul - Formerprez - Maarkenward - MacDoel - MacIntyre - Ritterstan = Khyber