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  1. #1
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    Default +20 Heart of Wood

    When U19 Hits, will i be able to use the +20 heart of wood to change my current 19th life Halfling Rogue Lawful Good into a 12 ranger 6 monk 2 pally? This was a previous life and I'd like to go back, but honestly im just lazy and really dont wanna have to TR and re-run all the way back to 20... it gets boring, and all the new Epic Content will already have been run and LFM's will decline after i hit 20... Really its just a week i could be trying out all the new content I'd like to play...

    Another thing with this is I was reading some of the other posts on this matter... where as you can't change all the classes like 20 rogue with +20 heart of wood will still have to have rogue in there. Was just trying to figure out if i did the class split 12 ranger 6 monk 2 rogue then bought a +2 heart and changed it over to 2 pally would that work?

    P.S. if your one of those ppl that gets on here and goes "Psh!! just TR and re-run to 20 it only takes like 2 days" Shut-up go away and skip posting... <---******

  2. #2
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3M0N5_GR0WL View Post
    When U19 Hits, will i be able to use the +20 heart of wood to change my current 19th life Halfling Rogue Lawful Good into a 12 ranger 6 monk 2 pally? This was a previous life and I'd like to go back, but honestly im just lazy and really dont wanna have to TR and re-run all the way back to 20... it gets boring, and all the new Epic Content will already have been run and LFM's will decline after i hit 20... Really its just a week i could be trying out all the new content I'd like to play...

    Another thing with this is I was reading some of the other posts on this matter... where as you can't change all the classes like 20 rogue with +20 heart of wood will still have to have rogue in there. Was just trying to figure out if i did the class split 12 ranger 6 monk 2 rogue then bought a +2 heart and changed it over to 2 pally would that work?

    P.S. if your one of those ppl that gets on here and goes "Psh!! just TR and re-run to 20 it only takes like 2 days" Shut-up go away and skip posting... <---******
    I had the reverse problem and have already used an LR+3 to swap the monk levels out of my 12 Wiz / 6 Ranger / 2 Monk in order to turn INTO a pure rogue when the +20 Heart comes!

    I think your current plan won't work - in that when you try and swap the first rogue level for a pally level, it will say "MERG 4 CLASSES!" because your other rogue level will still exist even though it's later down the track.

    First, use the
    LR+20 = 12 Ranger / 7 Monk / 1 Paladin (must be the final level, taken at 20)

    Then, use an
    LR + 1 = 12 Ranger / 6 Monk / 2 Paladin (must be a monk level that you swap; doesn't matter where, but I'd probably make the 2 pally levels 19 and 20 so you remember unless there are BAB feat requirements making that a pain)
    Last edited by Deathdefy; 08-14-2013 at 06:09 AM.
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  3. #3
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    The +20 Heart of Wood will have the same restrictions as our other + Hearts of Wood. In other words, you cannot have more than three classes at any time during the process, and the reincarnation method remembers what classes you've had during your entire journey. So, if you are triple-classed, you will not be able to swap out into a "fourth" class, even if at the end of the process you'd have only three classes.

    This is something I've raised with folks, but I've been told that it's going to take some hefty engineering work to crack open reincarnation, which carries with it some fairly moderate risks from a development perspective. Not to say it will never happen, but it's not happening in time for the distribution of the +20 Hearts of Wood.
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  4. #4
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    So no restrictions with the +20 heart ? That means i can use it to get a past life of a class i never wanted to play ?
    That in itself is really neat.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandir View Post
    So no restrictions with the +20 heart ? That means i can use it to get a past life of a class i never wanted to play ?
    That in itself is really neat.
    That was my thought unfortunately I can't get the life I really want that way on my paladin and that is barb

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3M0N5_GR0WL View Post
    When U19 Hits, will i be able to use the +20 heart of wood to change my current 19th life Halfling Rogue Lawful Good into a 12 ranger 6 monk 2 pally? This was a previous life and I'd like to go back, but honestly im just lazy and really dont wanna have to TR and re-run all the way back to 20... it gets boring, and all the new Epic Content will already have been run and LFM's will decline after i hit 20... Really its just a week i could be trying out all the new content I'd like to play...

    Another thing with this is I was reading some of the other posts on this matter... where as you can't change all the classes like 20 rogue with +20 heart of wood will still have to have rogue in there. Was just trying to figure out if i did the class split 12 ranger 6 monk 2 rogue then bought a +2 heart and changed it over to 2 pally would that work?

    P.S. if your one of those ppl that gets on here and goes "Psh!! just TR and re-run to 20 it only takes like 2 days" Shut-up go away and skip posting... <---******
    You can probably do this by going to a 12 ranger 8 monk and then using a +3 heart of wood to take the 2 paladin levels a week later. Not ideal, but it's an option.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The +20 Heart of Wood will have the same restrictions as our other + Hearts of Wood. In other words, you cannot have more than three classes at any time during the process, and the reincarnation method remembers what classes you've had during your entire journey. So, if you are triple-classed, you will not be able to swap out into a "fourth" class, even if at the end of the process you'd have only three classes.

    This is something I've raised with folks, but I've been told that it's going to take some hefty engineering work to crack open reincarnation, which carries with it some fairly moderate risks from a development perspective. Not to say it will never happen, but it's not happening in time for the distribution of the +20 Hearts of Wood.
    Sorry, Cordovan, I've said it before but the whole LR process is completely overcomplicated which just leads to all these problems in the first place. I've challenged you before (and all forumites for that matter) to explain to me why a process that allows a complete redo to the current level and includes everything you might want to change (including race, alignment, all class levels) would be so game-breaking, and I simply haven't heard any reasonable answers.

    KISS, the simplest solution is usually the best, etc.... Why do you think people came up with those sayings?
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  8. #8
    The Hatchery Urist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobbinB View Post
    I've challenged you before (and all forumites for that matter) to explain to me why a process that allows a complete redo to the current level and includes everything you might want to change (including race, alignment, all class levels) would be so game-breaking
    I suspect it's not so much a question of game-breaking, as budget- and deadline- breaking.

  9. #9
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    I'd be willing to bet they will attempt to work on this to add it in to the reincarnation pass the are planning.
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  10. #10
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    First of all Turbine is awesome for giving out these stones even though it will surely result in much support.

    The two biggest issues i see with the +20 stones are going to be:

    1) alignment issues
    2) the 3 levels at a time issue

    Regardless of how many warnings you give people are going to make mistakes and there is no way to fix it in the middle of the LR process. If you want to add monk levels, you need to make sure your alignment is changed before you use the stone or you can't take the monk levels.

    For the class issue people may need to use +3 heart to change from 3 classes to 2 classes.

    I just hope I don't make a huge mistake because once you are in the middle of the +20, there isn't much you can do if you didn't plan properly.

  11. #11
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    So now either I tr or I get a +5 heart of wood and a +3 heart of wood .... fantastic, what a great designed way to fk people

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urist View Post
    I suspect it's not so much a question of game-breaking, as budget- and deadline- breaking.
    This game has had some serious reincarnation issues in the recent past. If I were the devs I would try not to mess with it, and as a player I would probably wait at least one update before using it on any characters I value...especially if they have changed anything.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    So now either I tr or I get a +5 heart of wood and a +3 heart of wood .... fantastic, what a great designed way to fk people
    I believe the purpose of the free LR+20 is to let players "fix" characters, not build entirely different ones.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urist View Post
    I believe the purpose of the free LR+20 is to let players "fix" characters, not build entirely different ones.
    I have a 12 fighter/6ranger/2rogue than I want to switch to a 14 fighter/4 pally/2monk. My understanding of this lr +20 token is it won't actually help me. It won't let me switch in pally or monk class as the game would be thinking I'm trying to fit in 5 classes. When I try and switch my first ranger level to pally it will not let me. So this free fix doesn't really help.
    Last edited by moo_cow; 08-14-2013 at 03:38 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Cleanincubus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    I have a 12 fighter/6ranger/2rogue than I want to switch to a 14 fighter/4 pally/2monk. My understanding of this lr +20 token is it won't actually help me. It won't let me switch in pally or monk class as the game would be thinking I'm trying to fit in 5 classes. When I try and switch my first ranger level to pally it will not let me. So this free fix doesn't really help.
    It's not meant to help switch classes. It's meant to help change Skills & Feats for characters, that have now been altered or removed.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleanincubus View Post
    It's not meant to help switch classes. It's meant to help change Skills & Feats for characters, that have now been altered or removed.
    Skills and feats wouldn't need a +20 token, people who want to changes classes need a +20 token. If the changes were just for feats and skills it would just be a free + 0 lesser.

  17. #17
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Does hearts have an expiration date? (And if yes, will they expire before or after Warpriest is added?)
    Can I save a heart, TR to fun class, use it at cap to +20LR into a paladin and then TR for a pastlife?
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    Skills and feats wouldn't need a +20 token, people who want to changes classes need a +20 token. If the changes were just for feats and skills it would just be a free + 0 lesser.
    While classses might don't need to be changed, sometimes leveling order would need to.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  19. #19
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    If I have a 17/2/1 and the 1 (I hope, I just don't remember) is the last one, I should be able to switch it to a 4th class no, if I leave the 17/2.

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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathdefy View Post
    I had the reverse problem and have already used an LR+3 to swap the monk levels out of my 12 Wiz / 6 Ranger / 2 Monk in order to turn INTO a pure rogue when the +20 Heart comes!

    I think your current plan won't work - in that when you try and swap the first rogue level for a pally level, it will say "MERG 4 CLASSES!" because your other rogue level will still exist even though it's later down the track.

    First, use the
    LR+20 = 12 Ranger / 7 Monk / 1 Paladin (must be the final level, taken at 20)

    Then, use an
    LR + 1 = 12 Ranger / 6 Monk / 2 Paladin (must be a monk level that you swap; doesn't matter where, but I'd probably make the 2 pally levels 19 and 20 so you remember unless there are BAB feat requirements making that a pain)

    couldnt i just lvl the character in this order to try it out cause if need be i guess i could just TR again and get PL rogue... again... -.- ... the lvl order would go 6 ranger right off the start --> then to 2 pally to folow it up now if it will let me i'll take 6 monk lvls foloing that... if it lets me do that then just take the 6 more range lvls... if it doesnt work that way i would just lvl the final 12 lvls back to rogue and play a rogue AA for a while then TR into my ranger pally monk...

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