Howdy Folks,
kind of stepped by and reserved this name for my new upcoming Build
I think alot of people who made a Juggernaut will like this one too!
stay tuned.
Howdy Folks,
kind of stepped by and reserved this name for my new upcoming Build
I think alot of people who made a Juggernaut will like this one too!
stay tuned.
Haek N' Slay (©ompletionist Juggernaut / Zeus Life 61 of 61)My Toon is better than your toon.Mitis Mors - Thelanis
Build around Sireth and possibly Monk splashed due to name (I reckon anyway), beyond that not a clue looking forward to seeing it
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I'm hoping he'll make a twf build, since I think he prefers that. And leave me to my Sireth earthstanced build ^^
As far as the name goes, I'd say it either implies Sireth or TWF Balizarde. I'm thinking the latter.
As far as the platform goes, i doubt he'll let go of Reconstruct which implies Wizard11 (incorporeal form + some bonus feats) or staying with the arti15/16 which i think is the case. (or go Bladeforged later in the year). 16/2/2 monk ranger split together with a extra feats from lvlcap increase has enough feats to starting considering taking the TWF feats. (2ranger already has the first).
There is very nice TWF synergy now with the ranger tree's. You're also able to push Dodge really high now which fits with the name theme. Thinking on the name some more, Shadowdancer destiny could also be implied which works well with the above...
So, how close am I?![]()
Last edited by Wulverine; 08-12-2013 at 11:30 AM.
Thelanis -- Wulverine + [Funkaholic, Funkatronic, Funkarific]
Haek N' Slay (©ompletionist Juggernaut / Zeus Life 61 of 61)My Toon is better than your toon.Mitis Mors - Thelanis
Phantom = Ninja Veil
Lancer = Sireth
Half-Orc 8 ranger/6 monk/6 rogue
+6 THF damage
Improved Power Attack (+3 damage)
Brutality (+20% damage to helpless)
8 ranger:
Empower healing
Ranged Feats (Precise shot, Manyshot etc)
6 monk:
6% dodge
3 bonus feats
Wind stance (+Dex, +15% attack speed, +10% doublestrike)
Zen Archery
Ninja Spy - Ninja veil (incorporeal)
Shintao - heal amp
6 rogue:
Thief Acrobat...
DEX to hit
DEX to damage
Quarterstaff: +15% attack speed, +7 damage, + 1 crit multiplier, +6% glancing blows
Mechanic - Wand/Scroll Mastery
Melee dps: Sireth with +30% attack speed, +16 damage, +10-35% doublestrike (plus equipment bonuses) etc
Ranged dps: Pinion, Manyshot etc
Self Healing: Coccoon (Quicken/Empower Heal), Heal Scrolls (scroll mastery) and Healing Ki finisher + decent heal amp
Layered defences: Incorporeal, permablur item, dodge, PRR
ED: LD or FoTW
Phantom = Ninja Veil
Lancer = Sireth
Half-Orc 8 ranger/6 monk/6 rogue
+6 THF damage
Improved Power Attack (+3 damage)
Brutality (+20% damage to helpless)
8 ranger:
Empower healing
Ranged Feats (Precise shot, Manyshot etc)
6 monk:
6% dodge
3 bonus feats
Wind stance (+Dex, +15% attack speed, +10% doublestrike)
Zen Archery
Ninja Spy - Ninja veil (incorporeal)
Shintao - heal amp
6 rogue:
Thief Acrobat...
DEX to hit
DEX to damage
Quarterstaff: +15% attack speed, Quick Strike, +7 damage, + 1 crit multiplier, +6% glancing blows
Mechanic - Wand/Scroll Mastery
Melee dps: Sireth with +30% attack speed, +16 damage, +10-35% doublestrike (plus equipment bonuses) etc
Ranged dps: Pinion, Manyshot etc
Self Healing: Coccoon (Quicken/Empower Heal), Heal Scrolls (scroll mastery) and Healing Ki finisher + decent heal amp
Layered defences: Incorporeal, permablur item, dodge, PRR
ED: LD or FoTW
Those are big assumptions but if "phantom" implies wraith form and "lancer" implies quarterstaves then I'd have guessed a build centered around the 35% incorporeality granted by improved shrouding wraith form. Perhaps something with 12+ wizard levels, 3+ rogue levels and 2 monk levels; there's plenty of dodge available (something like 13% just from the enhancements and 2 monk levels, trivial to reach 25% with items and destinies) and top it off with archmage sla invisibility and displacement to really put the "phantom" into the "phantom"?
I had been trying to scratch something like this out with the enhancement PDF for a fun leveling build, but it doesn't seem like nearly the same offense, burst healing, and EE focus as what the Juggernaut offered.
I had a thought of something like 16 Rogue, 2 Monk and 2 Fighter running in Shadow Dancer using either Sireth or dual Balizardes, I have no idea if this is even a good idea or anything but hey ho.
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The Pack Horse (mule)
Made a build like Neoxxz on beta. Actually I made a few... and compared them to a jugger with the exact same gear. Then I ran the exact same quest.
With the new enhancements you can make some good builds with high dps and powers... on paper.
But without self healing and all the extra feats - the jugger out performs them all.
Self healing and above average dps is better than no self healing and uber dps.
Pretty hard to scroll heal when a warewolf is chomping on your guts...
But in saying that can't wait to see the Phantom Lancer build...
Ok, so what if you go WF 11 Wiz/6 monk/3 rogue:
1) As many feats as the ranger-variant Jugg (minus the auto-granted Bow Strength/Rapid Shot)
2) Still have Tensers and Reconstruct.
3) More survivability (extended Displacement, Ninja Spy incorporeality, higher repair spell power/spell crit, heightened SLA web)
4) More mobility (Tumble through enemies, +10% monk speed)
5) Viable stealth (unlimited Shadow Walk, Rapid sneaking)
6) Viable CC (heightened SLA web)
7) Potentially more melee dps (all the QSTAFF bonuses plus the ability to render helpless, bonus sneak attack die, No Mercy, Shadow Double)
8) Enough scope to take all the necessary ranged feats (Toughness no longer being de rigeur, and the extra feat flexibility granted by epic feats and ED feats)
Last edited by Neoxxz; 08-20-2013 at 03:53 AM.
People are getting closer but aint there yet, will post the Build this week, will LR into it today.
Stay tuned :P
Haek N' Slay (©ompletionist Juggernaut / Zeus Life 61 of 61)My Toon is better than your toon.Mitis Mors - Thelanis
I am posting here so I remember to check this thread for an update.
I both hate, love and fear your ability to break this game in two.
~Sarlona~Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk
Just noticed a neat little problem, while LRing with the +20 Heart i will have four classes at some point so i wont be able to LR right away. Currently thinking about a way to still do it with maybe a +3 or +5 lesser Rein inbetween, but i doubt it will work the way i want -.-
Looks like i have to TR.
Edit: Will test something else first then with +20 Heart and then TR into Phantom Lancer when ready -.-
Last edited by Lurzifer; 08-20-2013 at 08:03 AM.
Haek N' Slay (©ompletionist Juggernaut / Zeus Life 61 of 61)My Toon is better than your toon.Mitis Mors - Thelanis
I tried a build like this on Lama...BAB just seemed too low for higher level content and the need for all the ranged feats just didn't seem to work.
I've been trying a few builds out, but so far I can't out perform the Jugg in both survivability and damage output - you seem to get either one or the other.
I can't wait to see what Haek comes up with - perhaps he's building an anti-Jugg to do war with and destroy his out of control army of Juggs on Thelanis.
"Melkorr (Completionist "Toaster of Vengeance") ~ Angrond (TWF Jugg) ~ Telchacar ~ Celebrimor (Bank) ~ Manados
Officer of The Innfellows
Found a way to LR with one following LR +5 to fix the build lol^^
Well seems like my main character will be useless for one week or i take on a serious challenge of making somethign useful out of a 15 wizard 5 ranger split
Edit: Ill just exploit the Manyshot Slaying Fury shots and make an archer :P
Haek N' Slay (©ompletionist Juggernaut / Zeus Life 61 of 61)My Toon is better than your toon.Mitis Mors - Thelanis