YEs, we did it. Thank you all in BATHROY HORDES.
100 guild LV
NOw can DDO rise the guild LV cap? MaYbe 150 with +3 stats would be nice.
YEs, we did it. Thank you all in BATHROY HORDES.
100 guild LV
NOw can DDO rise the guild LV cap? MaYbe 150 with +3 stats would be nice.
Congrats to Bathory Hordes!
Ah, now I know who the OP is.
It's a great accomplishment. More importantly I think your guild provides a great service to Sarlona by accepting the many new/casual players that want to join a high level guild. I've run with many great people from Bathory Hordes.
You all deserve every one of those 100 levels.
Last edited by slarden; 08-12-2013 at 05:49 AM.
Congratulations to the Hoard and all my friends there!
Last edited by Rogann; 08-12-2013 at 06:22 PM.
It has been an honor leading this guild for 3 months, during its lowest time. I see that me saving the guild from renown decay has helped you, and now you have achieved what I wanted to do in my leadership, but was unable due to painful decisions that had to be made. Kryzikron is a worthy leader, and I send him my regards and I wish him good luck in keeping the guild in the future. May our paths cross in future aswell, both my personal path, and the guildly path.
From the previous leader of Bathory Hordes and current leader of Vengeance of the Fallen, I wish all of you good luck in maintaining level 100.
- YoureDown
Last edited by YoureDown; 08-16-2013 at 02:58 PM. Reason: 1 mis-type
CONGRATULATIONS! WHAAAAAAAT...... good job Bathory !