I've got a 25 sorc, he's got the UMD for scrolls but since I discovered Rejuvenation Cocoon I've not looked back.

Basically I'm looking to pull in as much healing spellpower, crits etc as possible without losing more than two levels of Sorc.

I realize the boost won't be very much without a deeper splash but the character is already reasonably capable of keeping raid tanks working under normal load. I just want to push the line and see what can be dragged out of him.

I pondered Paladin, the boost to saves(+20 for my sorc) would be nice in it's own right, the heal skill will be important post-pass and the spellpower enhancements to heal would be good now. I don't know what the pally enhancements are like post-pass, so I'm still pondering that. Cleric and FVS also cross my mind but Cleric won't do anything else for me as far as I can tell and I'm not sure if FVS will contribute any more than pally, and they lack the saves boost.

I'm wearing a spellpower item for healing and I've got competent amp for myself, but what can be done to make my outgoing heals better?