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  1. #1
    Founder coolpenguin410's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Question Never need improved evasion? Always make your save?

    I was thinking about the epic feats, specifically how the save feats allow you to succeed even on a natural 1. Could this mean that you could, with a high enough modifier, never fail on a reflex save, thus always get evasion (if you have it)? If that's the case, you would never need improved evasion. This feat could make you immune to most forms of energy damage! Or is not possible to get your reflex that high? Even on a halfling rogue dex build?

    I know there are still a bunch of good feats for this level, but is this overpowered? I'm thinking it would great to be able to walk through any trap and face casters with impunity and never miss a save.
    Last edited by coolpenguin410; 08-10-2013 at 03:56 PM. Reason: Poor wording

  2. #2
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    I take to mean that you don't fail on a 1 if you would otherwise make the save. If the DC was 20, you have a save of 20, then normally on a 1, which would result in a automatic failure, you would simply add the 1 to your roll as with anything higher than a 1.
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  3. #3
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Interesting thought.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    You 'just' have to boost your relating save bonus to cosmic proportions, so the result of 1+xy exceeds the DC. Looking at current ee that won't be easy now and probably won't be easy for lvl. 28 base quests.

    It is an idea for epic hard though. Easy leveling.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by coolpenguin410 View Post
    I was thinking about the epic feats, specifically how the save feats allow you to succeed even on a natural 1. Could this mean that you could, with a high enough modifier, never fail on a reflex save, thus always get evasion (if you have it)? If that's the case, you would never need improved evasion. This feat could make you immune to most forms of energy damage! Or is not possible to get your reflex that high? Even on a halfling rogue dex build?

    I know there are still a bunch of good feats for this level, but is this overpowered? I'm thinking it would great to be able to walk through any trap and face casters with impunity and never miss a save.
    First think I thought when I saw those posted a while ago. I am definitely taking it on my wiz/mnk. Its a level 27 feat though so it might not be doable on top end EE quests but we will have to see.

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