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  1. #1
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Default Any LOB Alchemical Weapon Updates?

    Have the LOB Raid Alchemical Weapons received any changes with all the new weapon elemental damage changes? I.E is Shocking Burst Now Shock 4 (4D4) or some such?

    Do the Burst and Blast Varieties of elemental damage still exist?
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    Have the LOB Raid Alchemical Weapons received any changes with all the new weapon elemental damage changes? I.E is Shocking Burst Now Shock 4 (4D4) or some such?

    Do the Burst and Blast Varieties of elemental damage still exist?
    And what do the Lore values on Tier 2 Mystical translate to in the new system?

  3. #3
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Looked at my items on Lamannia and nothing is changed, so sameold sameold...

    Without some major improvements the LOB chain is dead.

    We were expecting the new greensteels here unfortunately it turned out to be a major letdown.

    Too few crafting options and limited items made it really only useful for monks before basic crafting became more viable and more inherent metal type wraps became available.

    it is too bad I liked the chain and the potential was huge for some real alternatives to greensteel crafting.

    Bur like many movie teasers.. all we got was the teaser.. there was no substance in the finished product.
    Last edited by JOTMON; 08-11-2013 at 10:26 AM.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  4. #4
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    Without some major improvements the LOB chain is dead. We were expecting the new greensteels here unfortunately it turned out to be a major letdown.

    Too few crafting options and limited items made it really only useful for monks before basic crafting became more viable and more inherent metal type wraps became available. it is too bad I liked the chain and the potential was huge for some real alternatives to greensteel crafting. Bur like many movie teasers.. all we got was the teaser.. there was no substance in the finished product.
    Ok, going to take this as an obvious attempt to troll when I posing a fairly simple question. I wasn't trying to discuss the original Alchemical Design, or historical Dev Decisions, or why you shouldn't bother running the raids.

    Just so you don't miss it again:

    1. Are Alchemical Weapons getting any retro-active changes to already crafted weapons with U19?

    2. Or indeed, would newly crafted Alchemical Weapons receive changes to Elemental Damage consistent with the new presentation of Elemental Damage presented on Random Loot / Named items presented with U19 on Lammania? I.E Shock IV instead of Shocking Burst?

    3. On my triple-Infused Alchemical Weapon I have, there's no enhancement/power-level number at the Top Right and thus I guess this is why there is no Paragon/Epic/Epic:Tier 2 effect applied as we've seen on other newer Random / Named items?

    Just a few simple Dev responses would be much appreciated
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  5. #5
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Also as a follow up, I've copied my Character to Lammaland with a Triple-Air Khopesh and it's still exactly the same as on Live. I'm guessing this might be because of no mass database change being applied to the character in relation to weapon effects, but I'm guessing.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  6. #6
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    Ok, going to take this as an obvious attempt to troll when I posing a fairly simple question. I wasn't trying to discuss the original Alchemical Design, or historical Dev Decisions, or why you shouldn't bother running the raids.

    Just so you don't miss it again:

    1. Are Alchemical Weapons getting any retro-active changes to already crafted weapons with U19?

    2. Or indeed, would newly crafted Alchemical Weapons receive changes to Elemental Damage consistent with the new presentation of Elemental Damage presented on Random Loot / Named items presented with U19 on Lammania? I.E Shock IV instead of Shocking Burst?

    3. On my triple-Infused Alchemical Weapon I have, there's no enhancement/power-level number at the Top Right and thus I guess this is why there is no Paragon/Epic/Epic:Tier 2 effect applied as we've seen on other newer Random / Named items?

    Just a few simple Dev responses would be much appreciated
    No so much a troll as a realistic observation.
    Wen I loaded up the Beta to look at the LOB stuff I did not see any changes to any of these items, which is unfortunate because they could use some.

    AS to your simple question...
    1. Did not see any changes on Lamannia or in the release notes.
    2. Did not see any changes on Lamannia or in the release notes.
    3. Did not see any changes on Lamannia or in the release notes.

    Good luck waiting for your dev response.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

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