As per the release notes, Divine might is now an insight bonus. This essentially nullifies insightful strength gear.
Not good.
As per the release notes, Divine might is now an insight bonus. This essentially nullifies insightful strength gear.
Not good.
Just tested it, it is indeed a non stacking insight bonus now.![]()
Lol, this just got stupid. Why incorporate contradictions such as this? They change what were originally exceptional bonuses into insight, change fighter power surge to psionic from insight so it stacks, and now the sacred bonus of divine might into insight so THIS no longer stacks.
What a mess.
so is this where we thank the devs for saving the AP on DM and putting it into something more useful like Item Defense?
LOL . . . they actually found a way to make pallies weaker. This is awesome.
I have a genuinely honest question for the devs here.
Why in the world do you folks encourage us to provide balancing suggestions when you do things as seen fit anyway, such as this dumb unneeded change?
You didn't take those unfun strength bonuses out of the horc innate line, you didn't deal with the weapon focus issue, you didn't give sorcs back their scroll mastery, but you change divine might to NOT stack with insightful strength?
And THEN you wonder why you get the responses you do from us. Seriously, the logic is blatantly conspicuous.
This change of Divine Might.. " a sacred ability to channel divine power from their deity" .. to an insight bonus is still baffling me.
This is supposed to be a unique Sacred bonus and now is a bonus replicated by gear and shared with other classes...
Why be a Paladin when you can be a fighter and gain so much more....
This must be a bug I cant see how DDO can take a hard coded DnD class bonus type and butcher it in this way.
If this is intentional then that's unfortunate, with the Iconics coming out the WF Pallies were just starting to look like they would be worth trying out..
Looks like low level splash pallies for save bonuses are the only use for them now...
Well its not all bad... opens up the TR option for the 5% healing amp for those remaining few.
Even the AC changes made Aura worthless...
I see extinction in the Paladins near future.
Last edited by JOTMON; 08-11-2013 at 11:11 AM.
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
What a stupid, pointless change.
Free to play class. turbine doesn't want you playing them. same reason they jacked up sorcs ftrs barbs. monks and arits are getting really ramped up. hmm wonder why.
A well built pally will have about 34 charisma with just ship buffs, might get up to 36 with the new +11 cha items in expansion. Thats +12 bonus to str, so for a two handed fighter, +9 damage. So if you are really well geared its not nerf at all. If you are poorly geared and dont have insight gear, its buff as well. Both ways, no need to change something thats working thus far, as someone before me mentioned.
Regardless of your gear its still a nerf. You can have a +100 to charisma, you'll still have a strength 3 less than the former version.
If you are well geared you have a +3 insightful STR item so it will only be +9 to STR which is +4 to damage or +6 if THF. This is especially painful to paladin tanks who already had lower damage to begin with and now can't switch to a 2 hander anymore without giving up 6 CON, 6 STR, and 20% of their HP.
Guess I better enjoy that +2 to damage (base) for the next week, as + (anything) to str is entirely useless to my builds; oh well.
Not a fan of this change, really - wish they'd keep it as a sacred bonus to damage only, and not a str modifier which is totally useless to me.