If it is supposed to mimic power attack, then maybe is should be a feat and not a tier 5 skill from one tree. Also, as a feat, it should grant access to cleave (and great cleave) and therefore gain easier access to overwhelming crit. Additionally, maybe have mirrored ranged feats for cleave and great cleave. Perhaps +% to doubleshot. 2% total for cleave and 5% for GC or something like that. Nothing over the top, but something that not totally useless.Having to take 3 useless feats is not only a drain, but really just makes things less appealing... therefore less fun. And that is kind of why we all play the game, right?Fore replacing heavy draw in the DWS tree, you can make it a boost to it like additional damage for additional penalties like there is for other enhancements. (barb, wf, etc...)Also, have the description actually work.. Legendary Dreadnaught Power Attack enahnacements should work with Heavy Draw.