Piloto posted that the devs were interested in hearing suggestions for Epic Destiny Past Life Feats, so I thought I'd come up with a few. Since you can only bind each destiny once, I don't think they'll have the same triple-stacking effect of the heroic past life feats. So I'm basing my suggestions off the idea that you can only acquire these ONCE.

  • Draconic Incarnation: +2 stacking natural armor, +2 intimidate, +2 to saves vs. fear, 20 stacking elemental spellpower (fire/cold/acid/eletricity)
  • Fatesinger: +2 bluff/diplomacy/haggle/intimidate/perform, +2 enchantment DC's, 20 stacking sonic and positive spellpower, Lesser Extend Spell (modal effect that adds +25% to the durations of all spells affected by the "extend spell" feat in exchange for 2 sp per casting)
  • Magister: +100 sp, 20 stacking force spellpower, Mobile Spellcasting feat, +4 concentration, Symbol Mastery (all Symbol spells and Sigils have their duration increased by +50%)
  • Exalted Angel: 20 stacking light spellpower, Curse Immunity (the character is immune to all curse effects), +10% light absorption
  • Unyielding Sentinel: +15% stacking sacred bonus to fortification, +10 PRR, +2 stacking sacred bonus to AC
  • Grandmaster of Flowers: Centered (character always has a ki bar regardless of class selection and can generate ki when centered under the usual monk conditions), +4 concentration/balance/jump/tumble, +4 to save vs. all trip/knockdown effects, +4% dodge
  • Legendary Dreadnought: Martial weapon proficiency, +2 to tactical DC's, +2 stacking seeker, 3% doublestrike
  • Shadowdancer: +2d6 sneak attack damage, +2 assassinate/necromancy DC's, 20 stacking negative spellpower, +3 hide and move silently, Trapfinding feat
  • Fury of the Wild: +30 HP, +2/- DR, Immune to fatigue/exhaustion effects, +5% movement speed
  • Primal Avatar: All summons/hirelings/pets regenerate 15% of their health every 3 seconds. +2 evocation DC's. +5 to saving throws vs. disease and poison. Permanent underwater action.
  • Shiradi Champion: Conjure Arrows (creates a stack of 1000 +1 arrows), +4 to damage with ranged attacks. +10% double-shot chance. +50 spell points. +4 search/spot/listen.