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  1. #121
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    I am not sure why Melange bothered to post this thread. The word is the expansion is coming on the 19th which is only 2 weeks after this posting. Doubt they could change any of these items even if they wanted to. On an unrelated note I always that Melange was a female until one of devs called him a he. For some reason Melange seems like a female name to me. I would rather my name not be Jane if am a male or Jim if I am a female.

    Oh Devs could we players design a lot of the future gear for you. I was thinking that with your lack of staff that would be a nice time saver. Now some of these guys in this thread will just make overpowered upon overpowered item because they can hardly contain themselves. There are a number of folks though with a level head on their shoulders out there. I was trying to gauge the long term plans here and guessing next summer will be a big power jump on items with the level cap going to 30. Is that where you devs are going here big power jump next summer?
    This is half true and half not.

    It is true that many of us (you and me included) will probably come up with something OP. But this is the best thing about players: we are willing to accept our mistakes and change that OP weapon based on the feedback (and maybe numbers) received by the other players to something slightly better in a few situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  2. #122
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    I am not sure why Melange bothered to post this thread. The word is the expansion is coming on the 19th which is only 2 weeks after this posting. Doubt they could change any of these items even if they wanted to. On an unrelated note I always that Melange was a female until one of devs called him a he. For some reason Melange seems like a female name to me. I would rather my name not be Jane if am a male or Jim if I am a female.

    Oh Devs could we players design a lot of the future gear for you. I was thinking that with your lack of staff that would be a nice time saver. Now some of these guys in this thread will just make overpowered upon overpowered item because they can hardly contain themselves. There are a number of folks though with a level head on their shoulders out there. I was trying to gauge the long term plans here and guessing next summer will be a big power jump on items with the level cap going to 30. Is that where you devs are going here big power jump next summer?
    Lets hope not.

  3. #123
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    On an unrelated note I always that Melange was a female until one of devs called him a he. For some reason Melange seems like a female name to me.
    I choose to believe that's where Melange came from.

  4. #124
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Meh, if the loot is terrible it'll save me the trouble of having to farm this junk. I'm just glad I didn't spend any real money on this pack.

  5. #125
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    I use them as well

    By taking a visit to the portable hole and grabbing a stack.

    No need for a ML28 epic item to have this when we are starved for actually useful named gear.

    Oh, and if you bring up the "...not everyone has UMD for them..." argument, then...I'm sorry for assuming the average player made the apparently unworthy investment.

    I'm ashamed that this game arrived to a point where a shadow walk clicky on a ML28 named item is considered nice. Ecck...
    You dont even need 100% reliability on UMD for it.
    even 50/50 and a stack of scrolls and you are good to go.

    Would rather see items not readily available from the nearest scroll vendor, especially at the endgame levels.
    The Shadow walk clickie at levels 12-15 would be a neat item.. at level 28.. bah ....would need to be a shadow walk effect that does not dispel when attacking
    The shadow walk visual effect is pretty annoying as it is..especially in some area's where you can almost not see anything at all and risk falling off edges.
    not to say the shadow walk clickie is a bad thing, just that it is underwhelming for the level of gear it is on.

    ...give us something interesting and unique....
    like a 10 minute curse immunity clickie,
    or a 10 minute deadly weapons clickie,(more usefull to 2handed weapon/ranged weapon users that are not arties...)
    even a ddoor clickie would be useful...
    or something cool like a 30 second anti-magic field like the beholder null magic eyeball... all casters beware....
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  6. #126
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    You dont even need 100% reliability on UMD for it.
    even 50/50 and a stack of scrolls and you are good to go.

    Would rather see items not readily available from the nearest scroll vendor, especially at the endgame levels.
    The Shadow walk clickie at levels 12-15 would be a neat item.. at level 28.. bah ....would need to be a shadow walk effect that does not dispel when attacking
    The shadow walk visual effect is pretty annoying as it is..especially in some area's where you can almost not see anything at all and risk falling off edges.
    not to say the shadow walk clickie is a bad thing, just that it is underwhelming for the level of gear it is on.

    ...give us something interesting and unique....
    like a 10 minute curse immunity clickie,
    or a 10 minute deadly weapons clickie,(more usefull to 2handed weapon/ranged weapon users that are not arties...)
    even a ddoor clickie would be useful...
    or something cool like a 30 second anti-magic field like the beholder null magic eyeball... all casters beware....

    the only reason we even have "shadow walk" as a clicky is because it and the expansion title both share the word "shadow". Its a dumb attempt to be thematic, albeit astoundingly shortsighted.

    Could've given us a shadow fade clicky instead. Oh snap, I want the item now.

    But they didn't

  7. #127
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post

    Could've given us a shadow fade clicky instead. Oh snap, I want the item now.
    Oh HELL YEAH! A 5 minute Shadow-fade clickie (non-exclusive of course) and I'd even pay AS to re-roll the chest! Now that's worthy for a level 28 EE item.

    Instead we get a laughable item.

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