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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Feats and spells progression for a starting sorc?

    Hi, I am a lv 5 sorc and I have seen plenty of threads explaining which feats/spells you need at max lv. However, none explained which spells to take while you are leveling. (I probably just did not see it, but I promise I looked for it!)

    Also I always try to play a class as well as I can and I would appreciate some tips. Even more so since I am pretty new at this game. Some say I should be able to solo elite, but the monsters have more hp and they resist more which burns through my sp.

    I am a Warforged.
    My stats are:

    My feats are: empower, spell pen.

    My spells are: Lv 1: Magic Missile, acid spray, jump repair
    Lv 2: Scorching Ray, Web

    I hope you can help me get better at this great game!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Usually, sorcerers greatly benefit from Maximize and Empower at level 6 in order to use them with the free SLA granted by the savant prestige enhancements.

    For my fleshie sorcerer, I took Toughness, Max, Emp, SF:Evo, GSF:Evo, Heighten (until level 12). Warforged might want to fit in Quicken, if your repair/reconstruct spells get interrupted. Spell Penetration is more useful at late heroic levels, 15+.

  3. #3
    Community Member Moltier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steeve2000 View Post
    I am a Warforged.
    My stats are:
    So far so good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steeve2000 View Post
    My feats are: empower, spell pen.
    Spell pen will not be too usefull for you. While you are low level, its cheap to change a feat.
    Get some sibery dragonshards, and change it in house jorasco for spell focus, toughness or maximize.
    I would take toughness for the extra hp.
    Spell focus increase your dps for no spell points, but not too important yet.
    Maximize is the feat most people will suggest. But both math and game experience says its a waste at early level. Just like empower. As mentioned before, they are awesome for SLAs, but other then that, not really good feats (for now).

    Feats i would take in the current game till lvl20:
    toughness, 2 spell focus (evocation, unless endgame acid savant), maximize, empower, quicken, heighten

    Quote Originally Posted by Steeve2000 View Post
    My spells are: Lv 1: Magic Missile, acid spray, jump repair
    Lv 2: Scorching Ray, Web
    I hope you can help me get better at this great game!
    All good! I would switch magic missile to expeditious retreat, and once you get your first lvl3 spell, acid spray for nightshield. Nightshield protects your from enemy magic missiles.
    Once you have a better repair spell, switch light for prot from evil.
    Prot from evil gives you a stacking +2resist, and immunity to (greater) command.

    Lvl2: Blur, invisibility and Rage helps a lot! Try them out!

    Lvl3: Acid blast and fireball should be the first two if you like spamming with low cost.
    Its the most efficient way. Maximize and empower cost too much compared to the base cost.
    As first lifer sorc, you would run out of mana quickly. Plus it would be an overkill to blast your foes for like 400 damage when they have 100-200hp.
    Later, when you get better spells, switch these out. But these can carry you to ~lvl15 without problem.
    The next to very usefull spells are displacement and haste. Displacement will save your life, while haste will make your melees happy. Displacement is more usefull imo, but its up to you.

    Lvl4: Firewall, Acid rain, Ice strom. Choose 1 or 2 from these. Solid fog is a must have.
    If you like to move slowly in quests, take Firewall or Ice strom. If you like to move very fast, Acid rain.
    Acid rain starts weak, but later, especially if you are an acid savant, it deals mayor damage.
    Firewall kills slowly, but deals the most damage.
    Ice stroms kills slowly as well, but there is no save, part of its damage is unresistable, and its slows every enemy inside it. Best for higher levels (sometimes with Acid rain).
    Solid fog slows everyone inside it without save and stacks with Ice storm's slow. Also its lowers your enemys saves. Really usefull at higher levels.

    I just mention some spells:
    Teleport: use scrolls for it
    Cloudkill: True Seeing wont work in it unlike agains blur or displace. Plus it drains con (so fort saves).
    Eladars electic surge and Niacs biting cold: single target boss dps spells.
    Greater Heroism: use scrolls, coz you may cant find a slot for it.
    Otilukes Freezing Sphere: IMO best AoE spell in the game. Better then the loved Delayed blast fireball, and 1 level earlier!
    Create undead: you can summon a mummy lord, whos aura can make your enemys helpless! Pretty good while leveling.
    Disintegrate: Golem + lich killer.
    Prismatic Spray: Works agains everything non red/purple named! It can instakill golems, undeads, turn puddings and skeletons into stone, but you have to have high DC to make it work. Dont use anything but heighten for it.
    Ottos irresistilbe dance: no save CC! Must have! Also, i might be wrong, but as far as i know, dance lowers reflex too!
    Power word spells: no save cc or instakill! But long cooldown.
    Greater shout: if this works, Prismatic spray works better...
    Energy Drain (and enervation): Lots of neg levels. Too high saves or too high hp on a non red/purple named mob? This will take care of both!
    Valyria - Hulkie - Sillymilly - Killberry - Silvyanna - Walour - Corgak - Thalrian-1

  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moltier View Post
    I would take toughness for the extra hp.
    In the current game, Toughness is great, not for the fairly small amount of HP it directly gives, but for unlocking the Racial Toughness enhancement line.

    With that going away in 2 weeks when the expansion goes live with the new enhancement system, I wouldn't be in a big hurry to take Toughness. Sorcs are fairly feat-starved; with the death of Racial Toughness, dropping Toughness as a feat seems like a good deal.

    Personally, I doubt I'll ever be taking Toughness again on any class that doesn't get a bunch of bonus feats.

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