The first thing I thought when I saw the new items was, "Oh god no, this is just like epic DnD."
I realize that sounds like it would be a good thing, but you need to understand what epic pen and paper was actually like. You see, at low levels, you were rolling a few dice on your turn, let's say high end of 6 dice because you're a wizard and you love fireball. That's fine. You roll your dice, you move on. After level 20 you are rolling closer to 60, not exaggerating as that's what my rogue rolled. Sounds great though! I get to do so much damage! All that actually happens is you end up averaging out your rolls to save time, and you kill monsters just as fast since their HP goes up with your damage.
This is what we call power creep. What is the difference between +8 and +10 strength? +1 attack and +1 damage. What is the real difference? Gear with +8 is no longer worth getting. What does that translate to? Old content no longer gets used. In other words, you may be adding more content, but you're also negating a lot of your older work. Why not keep power where it is, add content with items that do different things instead of old things but better, and try to fix old issues?
I know this is a rant, I would be silent right now, but I'm currently unable to log into your game due to your servers.
TL;DR : +10 to a stat doesn't make the game better, it just makes old stuff worse. Focus on making things fun instead of throwing bigger numbers around.