I want to do a Tracert and know the cmd part but what do I put for Turbine? It isn't Turbine.com or DDO..com.
I want to do a Tracert and know the cmd part but what do I put for Turbine? It isn't Turbine.com or DDO..com.
Lightsocket, Lightarrow, Lighter, Lighttank, LightzapperLightmeup, Lightsage, Lightemup, Lightrock, Lightbright, Lightsurge, Lightmaker, Lightbeam, Lightmist
But 100% of the time I will crash on an instance change within 40 minutes.
1. Go from House K to Market? "The connection to the server has been lost!"
2. Try to enter the Crystal Cove? "The connection to the server has been lost!"
3. Try to exit a COMPLETED quest? "The connection to the server has been lost!"
4. Try to enter House K Cannith Crafting Hall? "The connection to the server has been lost!"
5. Try to teleport from Smuggler's Rest to avoid instance change? "The connection to the server has been lost!"
6. Change instance in the market from Market 1 to Market 2? "The connection to the server has been lost!"
7. Try to enter the tavern in Smuggler's Rest? "The connection to the server has been lost!"
Is it consistent? No. But within 40 minutes I GUARANTEE it will happen to me.
This is probably the most frustrated I have been. Since I can get in but I never know when it will fail.
All last week I played fine. I had family obligations all day Saturday, so I could not play until after 6:30 PM when the problems began.
Right now, I am very negative over the entire situation. And no one knows what is going on.
Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes
Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt
now unable too put in a ticket I get a fail "saying u need a valid email? when in fact the email that is in the mms is vaild ive had it for 15 yrs or so now?
Kahzadoom~Nexus~Irondoom~Doomlord~XvKing DoomHammer~
Xoriat Born~Doompriest~Doom~Xzr~Legion of Doom~Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
Last edited by moomooprincess; 08-04-2013 at 10:32 PM.
Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes
Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt
OK just did a cove run on Argo and everything fine. As of this morning, had the 33% could not connect to patch server error. Did nothing special, only waited it out. Using Verizon DSL. Hope everyone elses luck changes soon.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms home []
2 47 ms 22 ms 22 ms 99-153-252-2.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net [99
3 * * * Request timed out.
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 26 ms 31 ms 24 ms
7 25 ms 25 ms 24 ms
8 24 ms 25 ms 24 ms
9 95 ms 95 ms 114 ms 0.ge-3-1-0.XL3.BOS4.ALTER.NET []
10 95 ms 94 ms 95 ms 0.xe-8-0-0.GW15.BOS4.ALTER.NET []
11 95 ms 95 ms 94 ms internap-gw.customer.alter.net []
12 96 ms 96 ms 96 ms border1.te8-1-bbnet2.bsn003.pnap.net [63.251.128
13 94 ms 96 ms 95 ms turbine-7.border1.bsn003.pnap.net []
14 95 ms 96 ms 97 ms
15 95 ms 95 ms 95 ms
Trace complete.
Hope this helps. Interesting that I got timed out and alter.net
Lightsocket, Lightarrow, Lighter, Lighttank, LightzapperLightmeup, Lightsage, Lightemup, Lightrock, Lightbright, Lightsurge, Lightmaker, Lightbeam, Lightmist
I don't know if this helps but I was able to log in once, tried to teleport from the Cove to the Harbor, got disconnected and have not been able to reconnect. This is on my main Selee on the Thelanis server.
So another interesting thing.
I had problem to log my stucked character in House P. I logged once but was never able to move it. Then I logged my other toon and went to House P, logged off and now I am alive on my stuck toon and at least for now can move around.
I really can not see how it's a network issue....
"...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"
I'm not sure EXACtly how it's a 'net issue, but I do recall back when we were having some dev discussion about the crashing on zone in to Sands, that there was talk about how some network re-routing was taking place and if a timeout occurred at that time, it could cause a disconnect. So yeah, DC on changing zones could be 'net related.
Well, again, when we were discussing where to put the blame regarding lag issues, we were able to point squarely at turbine's PNAP (if I remember right). So not an in-house Turbine problem, but still a turbine problem... Now if this current thing is being caused by Comcast or some other backbone-type issue, then no, not directly Turbine's fault, but could easily be a reason many are affected, and others are not.
Star Trek is not a Turbine product.
This means it is a internet backbone problem and one of the big boys needs to fess up.
Maybe it was a male dominance game to cause pain over the weekend when many of the rivals customers were sure to be using the internet and the wannabe dominant male decided to cram the pipes and slow the load for the rival.
Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes
Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt
Seens neverwinter got their issues corrected. Apparently it was related to the web server that hosted the launcher page, and it had to be redirected.
Maybe this info helps with our issues?
From the vast amount of posts, I've seen comcast, Verizon, att, and couple of other smaller carriers talked about...so it is not likely to be just one of these ISP's and the issues being found go from plain connectivity to connectivity to but a singe (primary) server used by most people.
So the problem is complex and I fear will not be fully resolved until more people can break apart the mound of information the users have been providing from around the world. I suspect some internal network routing..potentially from a piece of faulty hardware in addition to some ISP issues outside of Turbine's ready control...and some of the issue may very well be issues with Turbines ISP...but it will take time to untangle this ball of yarn.
Leader Apocalyptic Knights Khyber
Alts Dustia, Fierry, Divus, Serpins, Cognatio, Atrau, Leigharoy, Pinkish, Triturate (Ret.) Harragan, Cynderr, Ginnsu, Cyndder, Calagian, Gorthagus, Bluntaxe, Zarloc, Docbot