Hello and welcome!
Sarlona have a rich story of roleplaying guilds, roleplaying and events... But roleplayers have remained hidden and hard to find behind channels, guilds and private rp. The Sarlona RP Communty are looking to change that, our first step is presenting RP-Friday, an open and weekly RP-event.
Disclaimer: Earlier, someone attempted to hold open RP events every Sunday, but that did not work out so well. We will try again, but switch to Fridays which we find to be more suitable to most.
The goals of RP-Friday:
- Give the server open RP at least once a week.
- Help new players interested in RP to find other roleplayers.
- Promote RP on the Sarlona server.
- Have a good time.
What RP-Friday is about:
RP-friday is a weekly event on the Sarlona server. The RP community on Sarlona welcome you and your friends every Friday 6PM EST to open tavern-style roleplaying and events. Events may be everything from drinking contests to riddle-games to in-depth storylines.
The location may differ from time to time, but mainly we will stay at the Phoenix Tavern for RP-Friday.
Additional information:
If you want to be a Dungeon Master of the Sarlona RP Community, send a private message to this account.
A Dungeon Master will plan out events, storylines and the like for RP-fridays and/or server-wide storylines/events not related to RP-fridays. If you don't want to be a DM and just got some ideas, we are open to that as well! Feel free to send a private message.
Last, but not least: /joinchannel sarlonarp
The old one is dated and hardly used today, might as well make a new one, eh?
'sarlonarp' is an in-character channel, and it is "ICly" set in the Phoenix Tavern.
You are of course allowed to write out of character (ooc) too, but then you must use brackets to mark that you write ooc. For example: (Brb, grabbing a drink)
Note: If there are any special events going on, we will notify you in this thread. The topic is also subject to change soon, stay updated.