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  1. #41
    Community Member SiliconShadow's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by B0ltdrag0n View Post
    Your assessment is correct in spirit and numbers but not entirely accurate in math as you can never hit 100% of the time.

    The forumla for the closest thing to autohitting is 95%=(tohit+10.5)/(2* target AC) +25% for players assuming weapon proficiency.


    1.4*Target AC -10.5 = Needed to hit Score.
    The formula you worked out is wrong the formulas are as below and don't work when rewritten as you tried:

    • Monster’s chance to hit: (Monster’s Attack Bonus + 10.5) / (Target’s Armor Class * 2)
    • Player’s chance to hit: (Player’s Attack Bonus + 10.5) / (Target’s Armor Class * 2) + 25%, rounded to nearest 5%

    All I didn't say was of course you always miss on a 1, sorry tired I shouldn't presume people have that as a given.
    Last edited by SiliconShadow; 08-08-2013 at 10:12 AM.
    "(Party): [Party] Mislabeled: you were killed by Qrazydirections"

  2. #42
    Community Member
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    This kind of calm, civil, information-rich discussion makes me happy (and about AC and To-Hit in particular, which players occasionally seem misinformed about).

    Thank you for making the DDO forums more awesomer.
    As for the mis-information about AC and To-Hit (and I'll throw PRR and Dodge in there also), it would probably help if we had a Game Guide that explained things for us.

    Actually with some of the upcoming changes for various things (TR/Epic TR, Secret Doors, XP, Enhancement trees), it might be a good idea to add more articles in the Game Guide for new players and even vets.

  3. #43
    Community Member SiliconShadow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by oradafu View Post
    As for the mis-information about AC and To-Hit (and I'll throw PRR and Dodge in there also), it would probably help if we had a Game Guide that explained things for us.

    Actually with some of the upcoming changes for various things (TR/Epic TR, Secret Doors, XP, Enhancement trees), it might be a good idea to add more articles in the Game Guide for new players and even vets.
    We have our own community resource for this info
    "(Party): [Party] Mislabeled: you were killed by Qrazydirections"

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by SiliconShadow View Post
    In short there are 27 cases up to 100AC in which it matters for my to hit of 71, 7 of those a 71 has 5% more chance than a 69, so that's a 26% less misses on those attacks that can miss. Or in total an increase of 7% to hit which isn't 2% at all.
    These numbers don't add up for me. Here's what I get:

    ---- Without OTWF -----         ------ With OTWF -------
    To                Roll    vs    To                 Roll     OTWF
    Hit      Raw %   Needed   AC    Hit       Raw %   Needed   Effect
    ---    --------  ------   --    ---     --------  ------   ------
    69     4000.00%     2      1     71     4100.00%     2
    69     2012.50%     2      2     71     2062.50%     2
    69     1350.00%     2      3     71     1383.33%     2
    69     1018.75%     2      4     71     1043.75%     2
    69      820.00%     2      5     71      840.00%     2
    69      687.50%     2      6     71      704.17%     2
    69      592.86%     2      7     71      607.14%     2
    69      521.88%     2      8     71      534.38%     2
    69      466.67%     2      9     71      477.78%     2
    69      422.50%     2     10     71      432.50%     2
    69      386.36%     2     11     71      395.45%     2
    69      356.25%     2     12     71      364.58%     2
    69      330.77%     2     13     71      338.46%     2
    69      308.93%     2     14     71      316.07%     2
    69      290.00%     2     15     71      296.67%     2
    69      273.44%     2     16     71      279.69%     2
    69      258.82%     2     17     71      264.71%     2
    69      245.83%     2     18     71      251.39%     2
    69      234.21%     2     19     71      239.47%     2
    69      223.75%     2     20     71      228.75%     2
    69      214.29%     2     21     71      219.05%     2
    69      205.68%     2     22     71      210.23%     2
    69      197.83%     2     23     71      202.17%     2
    69      190.63%     2     24     71      194.79%     2
    69      184.00%     2     25     71      188.00%     2
    69      177.88%     2     26     71      181.73%     2
    69      172.22%     2     27     71      175.93%     2
    69      166.96%     2     28     71      170.54%     2
    69      162.07%     2     29     71      165.52%     2
    69      157.50%     2     30     71      160.83%     2
    69      153.23%     2     31     71      156.45%     2
    69      149.22%     2     32     71      152.34%     2
    69      145.45%     2     33     71      148.48%     2
    69      141.91%     2     34     71      144.85%     2
    69      138.57%     2     35     71      141.43%     2
    69      135.42%     2     36     71      138.19%     2
    69      132.43%     2     37     71      135.14%     2
    69      129.61%     2     38     71      132.24%     2
    69      126.92%     2     39     71      129.49%     2
    69      124.38%     2     40     71      126.88%     2
    69      121.95%     2     41     71      124.39%     2
    69      119.64%     2     42     71      122.02%     2
    69      117.44%     2     43     71      119.77%     2
    69      115.34%     2     44     71      117.61%     2
    69      113.33%     2     45     71      115.56%     2
    69      111.41%     2     46     71      113.59%     2
    69      109.57%     2     47     71      111.70%     2
    69      107.81%     2     48     71      109.90%     2
    69      106.12%     2     49     71      108.16%     2
    69      104.50%     2     50     71      106.50%     2
    69      102.94%     2     51     71      104.90%     2
    69      101.44%     2     52     71      103.37%     2
    69      100.00%     2     53     71      101.89%     2
    69       98.61%     2     54     71      100.46%     2
    69       97.27%     2     55     71       99.09%     2
    69       95.98%     2     56     71       97.77%     2
    69       94.74%     2     57     71       96.49%     2
    69       93.53%     2     58     71       95.26%     2
    69       92.37%     3     59     71       94.07%     2       +1
    69       91.25%     3     60     71       92.92%     2       +1
    69       90.16%     3     61     71       91.80%     3
    69       89.11%     3     62     71       90.73%     3
    69       88.10%     3     63     71       89.68%     3
    69       87.11%     4     64     71       88.67%     3       +1
    69       86.15%     4     65     71       87.69%     3       +1
    69       85.23%     4     66     71       86.74%     4
    69       84.33%     4     67     71       85.82%     4
    69       83.46%     4     68     71       84.93%     4
    69       82.61%     4     69     71       84.06%     4
    69       81.79%     5     70     71       83.21%     4       +1
    69       80.99%     5     71     71       82.39%     5
    69       80.21%     5     72     71       81.60%     5
    69       79.45%     5     73     71       80.82%     5
    69       78.72%     5     74     71       80.07%     5
    69       78.00%     5     75     71       79.33%     5
    69       77.30%     6     76     71       78.62%     5       +1
    69       76.62%     6     77     71       77.92%     5       +1
    69       75.96%     6     78     71       77.24%     6
    69       75.32%     6     79     71       76.58%     6
    69       74.69%     6     80     71       75.94%     6
    69       74.07%     6     81     71       75.31%     6
    69       73.48%     6     82     71       74.70%     6
    69       72.89%     6     83     71       74.10%     6
    69       72.32%     7     84     71       73.51%     6       +1
    69       71.76%     7     85     71       72.94%     6       +1
    69       71.22%     7     86     71       72.38%     7
    69       70.69%     7     87     71       71.84%     7
    69       70.17%     7     88     71       71.31%     7
    69       69.66%     7     89     71       70.79%     7
    69       69.17%     7     90     71       70.28%     7
    69       68.68%     7     91     71       69.78%     7
    69       68.21%     7     92     71       69.29%     7
    69       67.74%     7     93     71       68.82%     7
    69       67.29%     8     94     71       68.35%     7       +1
    69       66.84%     8     95     71       67.89%     7       +1
    69       66.41%     8     96     71       67.45%     8
    69       65.98%     8     97     71       67.01%     8
    69       65.56%     8     98     71       66.58%     8
    69       65.15%     8     99     71       66.16%     8
    69       64.75%     8    100     71       65.75%     8
    I'm showing:

    89 armor classes between 1 and 100 where OTWF literally has no effect whatsoever
    11 armor classes between 1 and 100 where OTWF gives exactly +5% to hit

    If my numbers are correct, how does that become a total increase of 7%?

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