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  1. #1
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Default Racial Tree AP fix

    Ok Devs, by now you have heard the resounding cries of players telling you over and over again that racial trees (especially in regards to Iconics) are just to costly an investment compared to class trees.

    Are you listening to the players?

    So here is an EASY fix. Make all racial enhancements cost only 1ap. Reduce the number of APs need from top tier accordingly. This way racial/iconic abilities are more enticing, and are more incentivised over class trees to compensate for the lack of progression in those trees. EASY fix with balanced results. Do it to it!
    Making DDO a better game 1 post at a time!

    Triple EVERYTHING Completionist= Heroic 42/42, Iconic 12/12, Epic 36/36

  2. #2
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    have to agree that racial trees cost too much, as much as i tried, to get some things from race trees when attempting to recreate chars from live, in new system, never invested more in race tree than few points, due to fact it was takeing too much ap needed for class trees. so yea either race trees will cost much less ap or they wont see much use.
    "If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
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  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    I also agree that the racial tree is still not enticing enough, yet they kind of made it close to requirement to regain what we lose by getting the new system in the first place. Most people took stat boosts in the old/live tree, but will lose it all in the new one. To regain it, you have to spend even more precious AP in class trees and then some in racials just to recoup some of the stat loss. However, that doesn't get it all back even if you do invest that way. And that leaves you less of what you wanted your build to be, as well as making you weaker for combat.

    They could also offer stat boosts as you get core tiers.

  4. #4
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Here are my ideas for fixing racial trees.

    1. Reduce AP cost over all.

    2. Eliminate point spent in tree requirement. Add total progression requirement.

    3. Make Core Enhancements autogrants and get rid of useless/pidgeon-holed abilities like Orcish Fury. These should be things iconic to a race and useful to many types of characters.

    4. Add a top tier enhancement to regen Dragonmarks. And ironically, in the new system, dragommarks would be easier for most characters to take if they were turned into feats again.

    5. Reduce Racial PrE costs and add more of them.

    6. Make it so you can take a racial tier 5 and class tier 5 abilities, though you could only choose 1 in your secondary tree. So if I have a Warchanter /AA I could choose to take multiple AA tier 5s and 1 Warchanter tier 5 or Multiple Warchanter tier 5s and 1 AA tier 5. This keeps some of the functionality available now where You can do things like a Kensai III/ AA.

    7. Get rid of the 1 point per spent in tree abilities so that points spent in things like racial abilities don't feel like they're weakening you in your main PrE. Replace them with things like 5 points per Core Ability or 5 points per tier purchased.

  5. #5
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honkuimushi View Post
    3. Make Core Enhancements autogrants and get rid of useless/pidgeon-holed abilities like Orcish Fury. These should be things iconic to a race and useful to many types of characters.
    I'm still not fond of Orcish Fury, but its a lot less bad now with thresholds of 80/60/40% health.
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  6. #6
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TPICKRELL View Post
    I'm still not fond of Orcish Fury, but its a lot less bad now with thresholds of 80/60/40% health.
    The problems I really have with it is that it's a Morale bonus that doesn't stack with the Rage spell and that it takes up every other Core enhancement. If you want to increase your Strength, you have to take them and spend points on them.

    Angry Half-orcs may be a stereotype, but it's just not very useful for most builds. Most of the racial core abilities are better, but humans are almost as bad and the elven ones are kind of useless for spellcasters. And I'm not sure the bonus to hit matters much in this new system.

    It's better now that they don't have points spent in question requirements for the Core Abilities, but it does feel that spending points on racials weakens more characters than it helps.

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