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  1. #1
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    Smile Film Links

    I just discovered streaming movies and am open to suggestions for good films to watch. I have a natural predeliction for Sci-fi and Fantasy but any good film will do. I don't have a credit card and will always resist installing any kind of applet (which might behave suspiciously like a trojan etc.).

    What I've watched recently: "Gattaca", "Tron Legacy", "Iron Man 2", "Spider Man 2", "Revenge of the Sith", "Thor", "Green Lantern", "Avengers Assemble" and "Promethius". Most of the difficulty is trying to remember which films I've missed, hence the comicbook theme running though my recent viewings. "Gattaca" was awesome. I'd like to see "Sparta" again and I'm trying to find the new "Planet of the Apes" film to watch. I've also been trying to find a site that hosts the cult classic "Scanners" starring Michael Ironside.

    Here is a link for "Hot Tub Time Machine" in case anyone is in the mood for a decent comedy. Foul language is prevalent throughout the film however, as a warning to people sensitive to that kind of thing. If you click [continue] just below 720hd there will be a couple of pop-up adverts and then the film will play.

    Take care everyone

  2. #2
    Community Member blackdoguk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aolas View Post
    I just discovered streaming movies and am open to suggestions for good films to watch. I have a natural predeliction for Sci-fi and Fantasy but any good film will do. I don't have a credit card and will always resist installing any kind of applet (which might behave suspiciously like a trojan etc.).

    What I've watched recently: "Gattaca", "Tron Legacy", "Iron Man 2", "Spider Man 2", "Revenge of the Sith", "Thor", "Green Lantern", "Avengers Assemble" and "Promethius". Most of the difficulty is trying to remember which films I've missed, hence the comicbook theme running though my recent viewings. "Gattaca" was awesome. I'd like to see "Sparta" again and I'm trying to find the new "Planet of the Apes" film to watch. I've also been trying to find a site that hosts the cult classic "Scanners" starring Michael Ironside.

    Here is a link for "Hot Tub Time Machine" in case anyone is in the mood for a decent comedy. Foul language is prevalent throughout the film however, as a warning to people sensitive to that kind of thing. If you click [continue] just below 720hd there will be a couple of pop-up adverts and then the film will play.

    Take care everyone
    Make sure you're running Adblock if using streaming sites. I'm not sure about posting links to streams, however I will post some movie recommendations of interesting things I've watched recently ( a lot have been "out there" Chinese/Japanese stuff but many fall into the sci fi category I guess, which I feel they do a lot better than us in the West right now.) Here's some IMDB links, if you're interested you can look them up. IP man - just an awesome Kung Fu movie, with real patriotic understones. Features Bruce Lee Kung Fu teacher set just as WW2 rolls in. Paprika. Sharp anime on the nature of dreams vs reality. If you've never seen Akira, I'd perhaps watch that first, but I loved this film, and it ties in nicely with some of the themes there. Karas. Another Anime, but as close to a truly great sci fi/fantasy/epic demon busting sword swishing flick as there is. There is a part 1 and part 2, which arent delineated too well, both are essential viewing if you're like me. Zatoichi. Blind Ronan saves village with stick. What more do you want? This is a modern one by the director of The Wrestler and Black Swan. His early films are pretty intense, but this just looks brilliant and tells a story set over 500 years, from the days of Columbus, right up to the present day. The most Science Fiction of my picks perhaps. Mulholland Drive. Learn the name David Lynch.
    Last edited by blackdoguk; 07-29-2013 at 11:10 PM.

    Barbachop/Fizzburn/Politikills & Boaby - Omnipresence,Ghallanda

  3. #3
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    Thanks a lot! I'm actually a former 2nd Dan in Shotokan karate and a real martial arts fan. I've seen IP Man and I agree it's one of the best martial arts movies ever. Donnie Yuen is such an accomplished actor and the scene "I want to fight ten men!" where he canes the japanese for wrongly shooting his friend is about as good as you can get. Have you seen IP Man 2? The sequel is almost as good. And I've heard of Paprika. It has had some excellent reviews so thanks for picking that one out too.

    Forgot to mention I also watched "Loopers" starring Bruce Willis. I've always wondered... I've watched "Enter the Dragon" probably a hundred times and I swear that Jackie Chan is in it although he isn't listed on the credits. It's the scene where O'Hara and his cronies are chasing Bruce Lee's sister, I'm almost positive Jackie plays one of Bob Wall's henchmen.

    Tonight I've been watching Team America: World Police. Comedy for adults only. Link below:

    Really like the sound of Zatoichi, I'll look around for that tomorrow.

  4. #4
    Community Member blackdoguk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aolas View Post
    Thanks a lot! I'm actually a former 2nd Dan in Shotokan karate and a real martial arts fan. I've seen IP Man and I agree it's one of the best martial arts movies ever. Donnie Yuen is such an accomplished actor and the scene "I want to fight ten men!" where he canes the japanese for wrongly shooting his friend is about as good as you can get. Have you seen IP Man 2? The sequel is almost as good. And I've heard of Paprika. It has had some excellent reviews so thanks for picking that one out too.

    Forgot to mention I also watched "Loopers" starring Bruce Willis. I've always wondered... I've watched "Enter the Dragon" probably a hundred times and I swear that Jackie Chan is in it although he isn't listed on the credits. It's the scene where O'Hara and his cronies are chasing Bruce Lee's sister, I'm almost positive Jackie plays one of Bob Wall's henchmen.

    Really like the sound of Zatoichi, I'll look around for that tomorrow.
    Awesome. IP man 2 was great, i liked the fight with Sammo Hung on the tables, that was epic. You're right about Jackie Chan in Enter... what a film


    Barbachop/Fizzburn/Politikills & Boaby - Omnipresence,Ghallanda

  5. #5
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    Sorry, but the potential to be linking to illegal and pirated content is just to great to allow this thread to continue.
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