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  1. #1

    Default Enhancement tree UI inconsistencies?

    If an enhancement can be selected multiple times, you normally get a pop-up showing what the next rank is including.

    This isn't always the case, Bladeforged Tier 2 Great Weapon Aptitude is a good example, no pop-up and doesn't tell you that you need Improved Two Handed Fighting for the 2nd rank and Greater Two Handed Fighting for the 3rd rank.

    Other times, enhancement are red boxed when you don't qualify for them, but sometimes they don't, and if they're part of a chain of enhancements then only the first enhancement in the chain shows a red box.

    Do we really need to list all of these, or is it enough to just flag that pop-ups don't always appear?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Some Tooltips do not have AP vaiues

    Some of the tooltips for the enhancements don't have the value for action points to purchase them, only 5 or 6 (half-elf and rogue) have values, makes it hard to determine what to save for and could be very confusing for people who can't figure out why their points disappeared so quickly or why they can't purchase a particular enhancement.

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