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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010

    Default Clerics Development

    How about a evil cleric enhancement tree?

    Forgotten realms do speak of Nasty handmaiden drow female clerics of Lolth that wield whips with serpents with a nasty bite.

    Lets add variety to the usual heal and res clerics with a bit of spells specific to each deity perhaps? Just a few spells to set one cleric apart from another with a different faith?

    Spider summons, poison damage spells for Lolth?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    We cant play evil-aligned characters, so that's the big problem there.

    Drow, though, can already follow Vulkoor, which is pretty much what you're suggesting, just with scorpions instead of spiders :P

    Aesthetics and cosmetics aside, though - clerics already have Contagion and Poison, and already CAN summon spiders (but why would you ever want to? ). You still have all the "heal and res" spells in your spellbook...but if you wanted to, you definitely could build a necromancy cleric more focused on Inflict Wounds than Cure Wounds spells.

    And there are (at least currently) one enhancement-based skill that differentiates each Church. I would worry that expanding those Church-specific toolboxes too much, though, might risk making one faith the "best" or rendering another obsolete.

  3. #3
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeroth777 View Post
    How about a evil cleric enhancement tree?

    Forgotten realms do speak of Nasty handmaiden drow female clerics of Lolth that wield whips with serpents with a nasty bite.

    Lets add variety to the usual heal and res clerics with a bit of spells specific to each deity perhaps? Just a few spells to set one cleric apart from another with a different faith?

    Spider summons, poison damage spells for Lolth?
    There isn't a negative tree as such (as already mentioned, clerics can't be evil in DDO), but there is an upcoming option in the enhancement pass for caster clerics to focus on Negative spellpower. This may make Cause Wounds and Harm spells more effective in combat.

    Also the drow race will get some sort of poison weapon effect. I forget exactly what it is. So, you could have a drow cleric with poison and offensive Negative energy spells.

    I would like to see proper domains, and if domains are implemented, I'd like to see some additional (additional to the above) options for darker elements. Not completely seethingly "evil", but at least "clearly not good".

  4. #4
    Community Member Dawnsfire's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Turbine doesn't like evil alignments

    I haven't heard them speak on it lately and I have not heard from Eladrin in a while but his was the last 'official' voice I heard on the matter here. So unless I hear otherwise, I just assume evil and PC is not going to happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    I’m only nerfing you now so I can buff you later.

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