Kay, just took my half-orc 18/2 barb/fighter into Kings Forest on Live and on Lamannia...
No rages of any sort, but I did have power attack on...
70-80 base damage, 300-330 crits... in both live and Lamannia
Seemed slightly higher on Lammania to be honest...
That was without any rage... and in a weak epic destiny (2 ranks into Shadowdancer)
no, gear factors in too.
maybe the update broke some gear?
on lamania i have a +11 str item on too instead of +8, no excuse there
i even took power attack 3 over action boost since i have that on live
how come your barb does only 70-80 base damage? when i tr-ed him into a dwarven tank that was his damage output with the axe of axadus(1handed axe)
are you using 2 1handed weapons? sword and board?
oh and most of the top barbs on my server report this damage output, those that still play their barbs. thanks for yelling out exploit without having any reason to do so.....
instead of exploit, try years of effort and gear grinding?
barbs are known for their damage output for a reason.
This toon is known on the server for a reason (stealing agro away from wf hate tanks in VoD, pree U14 whille chugging anti curse pots all the way, running EE quests solo etc), its geared to the teath and specced for dps
Last edited by lyrecono; 07-30-2013 at 11:50 PM.
When I say "base" I just mean the first number.
Epic Antique GreatAxe 6+ 2[1d20] = 8-46
42 STR standing (not raged at all) = 16*2 = +32 damage
Power Attack II + Power Attack II = +18 damage with a greataxe
+6 damage with THF weapons (half-orc enhancement, +4 on live)
8-46 + 56 = ~80 first number damage.
x3 crit for greataxe, +1 crit for Overwhelming Critical = x4 or 320 crits
Hmmm... I should have seen some 90 damage numbers though... All I saw was high 70s, and 80s... I wonder if the +6 damage from half-orc enhancements is working... I should probably use a weapon with a smaller damage range for testing.
What's your breakdown for getting 200-250 base damage unraged?
I'd love to see that. It is possible that the update broke some gear that you have that I don't.
on the top of my head (i'm in the train to work, slowly typing this on my phone XD)
i don't know what gear you miss, though i use cleaver + trinket,
i noticed the following errors in thinking:
power attack takes a -11 to hit and adds +22 damage per hit, when both lines have been fully taken.
i get a +0.5[w] for having power attack on (LD ED)
i'll look into it when back home (which will be many hours![]()
Okay I went out to Kings Forest with a falchion... 2[2d4] + 6 = 10-22 range...
Turned off Power Attack...
Should be getting +32+6 = 38 damage per swing...
All my numbers were in the 42-54 range... so it looks like maybe the half-orc enhancements are NOT working. With just the 32, 42-54 damage per swing works... With +38, I shouldn't get anything less than a 48.
I will bug report this.
seems low
22 power attack
79 str 34 str mod so 51 damage mod
2 fb set
2 shintao set
4 artifact
2 morale (good hope clicky)
5 competance
8 enhancement from weapon (cleaver)
3[2d8] cleaver with improved pa from ld
4 horc enhancments
so I get 107-150 off the top of my head
+5% relentless fury
897-1213 on a 19-20
taking this up just a little more lets assume running in ld
3587-4851 on a 19-20
Yes this is raged but still the numbers are possible and I'm sure there are plenty of damage mods I couldn't think of off the top of my head.
thank you for taking me serious and testing this
i thought i was the only one having this problem
thanks, there are indeed more damage mods on live (ee pop goggles come to mind)
though on lamania i do get the extra rage from FB tod set but the extra str, con and +2 damage doesn't show up in the buff bar nor the stats.
my testing was done non raged and unbuffed (exept for ship buffs, i forgot about those)
the test area was to low level for blitz to work.
i will try to upload some pictures tonight if i can
question, why are people suprised with the damage output?
doing 200-250 base damage with 8k crits on 19-20 whille blitsing was the norm for barbs? (more on stunned mobs but i dont see that all to much on EE, my stunning blow only works 65%-ish of the time vs caster mobs, the rest i dont even bother anymore. (mind you, i wasnt able to fit in stunning gear, i spend to much gear on survival due to the insane damage output of mobs in EE, ghostly blurry etc).
why are people so suprised? the main attraction of a barb is its running speed and damage output? or am i missing something here?
Well, darn... My test was wrong... I gave myself 2x STR modifier instead of 1.5x, so maybe the half-orc damage enhancement is working...
As your for numbers... test it again... Make sure the gear is all the same... I would test non-raged, non-blitzing on live vs. Lam... then raged, non-blitzing, then raged, blitzing if you can...
On paper, you should lose nothing as far as enhancements go.
I will do so more testing tonight as well... I'm doing my tests basically gearless to make it easier.
just got home after a grueling day.... gone test stuff
kicking Sobrien's but (red named at the start of the claw of vulckor, in red fens) on EE
on live: base 200-2350 ish damage, with spikes to 266 (on non crits)
no rage/frenzy/blitz/primal scream. with cleaver placed brec at the start as a back up, i didn't let hire hit him. power attack was on. 4.43 min needed to take m down
fully boosted (though blitz was only on for the first 10 sec) 2 min exactly, had Brec at the entrance, didnt need him, Sobrien spend 90% of the time crawling/stunned and limb chopped, i used 2 heals this fight, got cocky and finished the quest, darn those healing scorps are anoying.
EE claw and all i got was 12 fragments
i tried to pay attention to the damage but it was pretty hard, i didn't use normal attacks but used lay waste/cleave/great cleave/supreme cleave / momentum swing/ etc continuously 400+ base damage was easy to achieve.
i will do these on lamania tomorrow, my girlfriend wants to "spend some time"
sight.... rl...
Last edited by lyrecono; 07-31-2013 at 11:51 PM. Reason: typo
did some quick testing on lamania
kicking Sobrien's but (red named at the start of the claw of vulkor, in red fens) on EE
base 125-158 ish damage (on non crits)
no rage/frenzy/blitz/primal scream. with cleave.
power attack was on. 4.58 min needed to take him down
fully boosted (though blitz was only on for the first 10 sec) 2.2 min exactly.
i tried to pay attention to the damage but it was pretty hard, i didn't use normal attacks but used lay waste/cleave/great cleave/supreme cleave / momentum swing/ etc continuously doing 250 base damage .
i did notice a decent damage increase with glancing blows, i assume its from the epic 2handed fighting feat
Last edited by lyrecono; 08-01-2013 at 04:46 PM.
Interesting... Could you capture a picture of your unbuffed swing dealing 200-250 base damage? Also could you show us the stats of your character when doing that kind of damage? By the way if you un-equip your weapon you can see your base damage bonus (which is without weapon enhancement bonus), what is that?
my gf interesting???
i will check the base damage bonus tonight (at work now)
i got stun/trip of about 10% of the fight whille unbuffed, 90% of the time whille buffed.
having him stunned/tripped/limbchopped also helped with the dps, i didnt need to drink silver flame pots because i only took 200-ish damage. the damage increase seems to be working, i had sense weakness slotted.
Thanks, asking because from other tests I've done on lamania that time is really high. TWFing splash-build kensai got him in 34 seconds, had a Tempest ranger get in him less than 40. All melee but he was helpless 90+% of the time.
If it's taking 2+ minutes something is really off.