The enhancement "Exotic Weapon Mastery" does not grant proficiency in the exotic weapons listed, rather it only adds the applicable weapons to your group of kensei weapons. I thought at first it actually granted the feats, but this was too good to be true. You can apparently have "mastery", but not "proficiency", even though mastery is a higher level of skill.
At least one of two changes are needed to make this clear:
1) (Easiest) Simple description add-on: "This enhancement does not grant any exotic weapon proficiency feats." With only this and current conditions remaining, players can still take it, but receives the non-proficiency penalty if the feat(s) not acquired. But at least this would be clear.
2) (More technical) Make it a prerequisite to have proficiency in at least one of the exotic weapons in the group selected. It would need some programming behind it as well as a label change, but would read and function as:
Requires one of the following sets of conditions:
- Kensei Focus: Crossbows and at least one feat of Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Great Crossbow, Light Repeating Crossbow or Heavy Repeating Crossbow.
- Kensei Focus: Axes and the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Dwarven Axe and Race: (not Dwarf).
- Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades and at least one feat of Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh or Bastard Sword
With the current wording it can easily be mistaken to mean that it actually grants the exotic weapon feats.
An alternative would be to actually grant the exotic weapon feats. That might dispel some of the moaning and groaning out of having to carry a shield - though something that awesome should have a higher tier; maybe add a shield holding requirement to gaining the feat as well.