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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Vorpal < Greater Vorpal : Disruption < Greater Disruption?

    With the addition of improved and greater vorpal, will there be an adjustment in max hp range for Greater Disruption? Currently only accessible on x3 pos gs items. But it would be nice for an equivalency.

    I know that there is an extra 2d4. Would be nice to see the effective instakill range be upped to 2k. I imagine there should also be enhanced smiters and banishers as well.

  2. #2
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default also

    Great questions.

    Also, has Improved Paralyzing been added to Random Drop Loot yet? I have not seen it.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    What's the min level on greater vorpal?

    Elite IQ and Amrath have 3000 HP mobs and that's heroic content. EE Mobs are between 6000-12,000 HP.

    "Vorping" at the 2,000 HP threashold at above level 25 is really a big bucket of meh unless it's some added effect on an already good weapon like an eChaos Blade. Maybe a "Greater Manslayer" item so you could get this effect while using really weapons would be nice.

    Would would be REALLY sexy? A red augment with vorpal (min level 20) and greater vorpal (min level 25+). Feather mentioned adding more ubber effects like lightning strike, vorpal would be awesome.

  4. #4
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    And if you want greater disruption craft some Triple-Positive Greensteel. Cheap weapons and the best damned Truthful One beaters around.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I agree that 2k hp for greater vorpal is meh. Given that the typical scrub in higher end content has 8k+ hp. It basically becomes a 2-6 second time saver during that fight. Additionally, would've liked to see scaling on the +w. Not in the cards it appears.

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